
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Stellios Haji-Ioannou - EasyFood

Greek-Cypriot tycoon Stellios Haji-Ioannou, founder of easyJet airline with his orange corporate identity, is now launching 'easyFood', to take on other discount stores that include Aldi and Lidi. I must admit I really do like the high quality of the food at Aldi.

It is written that he was born in Athens to a shipping family that moved to Monaco when he was a teenager. His dad financed his first business enterprise in shipping. Prior to him launching easyJet when he was just 28 years old.

Greek-Cypriot reminds me of an aunt that lived in London with her family.

Easy food looks more like a cash and carry than Aldi, and it does look like a food bank, it will certainly be attractive to the locations where he will open them. Stellios said he was inspired for the idea due to seeing the heavy use of food banks in Greece.

So what's different about easy food? Everything on offer is just 25p an item and it includes tuna fish, rice, pasta, mayonnaise, peaches, and a lot more. As you can see a lot of tin and dried foods on the shelves. In actual fact his red kidney beans are more expensive, you can get them for 18 pence if you shop around. I think they were 18 pence at Aldi.

He says that he has been distributing food for free in Greece and Cyprus, and he is now opening stores in 'deprived' areas of London, the Daily Mail have featured photographs of the store in the Park Royal area in London.

Will Aldi be hit hard by this? I don't think so, I think the easy food stores will impact on the most expensive stores like Sainsbury's and Tesco's. Shopping for a family of four can cost as little as £15.75 at these new easy Foodstores, the pilot store where every single item is priced at 25p. He certainly looks like the pilot, I wonder if Stellios can fly like his airline.

However, do remember how important fresh food is for your nutrition.

I also wonder if he is doing pearl barley and lentils for 25 pence too.

I do like sunshine Orange and like to wear it, its a lovely uplifting energy, in fact, I think I shall have some peach slices for breakfast in orange juice, yoghurt, sultanas, with sunflower and pumpkin seeds.  Orange breakfast is on. I also have some home made carrot and coriander soup for lunch, with some feta cheese, olives and biscuits.

Stellios makes an important point, tax the airline and not the passenger.

It reminds me of the dream that I had when I turned around to wave goodbye to all of the passengers that were waving goodbye to those of us that were leaving the airport terminal. Quite a few people have passed over since I had that dream, including David Bowie.

When we were outside of the airport, in the sunshine, I said to the pilot by my side, smiling, 'Did you wear that suit for me?' I was being my cheeky self in the dream and just making conversation. A different man, a fair-haired American on my left, asked me if I was going with him, and I wasn't going with him.

I left with the pilot of the plane that was on my right and he was a shy man in my presence. He had the most lovely sparkling eyes, and huge sincere smile. In the dream the location looked like an historical European city.

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