
Tuesday 2 February 2016

Love of Life Harmonica

We've been writing and sharing poetry on-line, and I wrote this for the child.

I think of the child and his smiles,
its sunshine beaming in the window.
His eyes of light sparkling as the stars,
his face so happy to be in my arms.

He lives amongst the farms,
and walks in natures steps,
how could I ever forget,
the little one that soundly slept,
after we met.

We have a big healing connection,
his wonderful unique journey,
our hearts unite in coconut,
and the heather empowers,
his soul.

He wished to eat what I ate,
to drink what I drank,
he was frank and strong,

Compelled to give him,
an harmonica.
To hear his music
from his soul sing.
Ring, ring.

The LORD said, Bene Olam.

In this video of a baby, he touches his feet with the harmonica, and I found that interesting. He put the harmonica between his big toe and his second toe on his left foot. In reflexology that is the 'Chronic sinus point' and the left foot is to do with his physical manifestation.

Were you given an harmonica when you were a child?

The Son of Joseph and I both had harmonicas. 

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