
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Quick to Testify Malachi 3:5

Malachi 3:5 mentions 'I will be quick to testify'. Psalm 66:3 'How awesome are your deeds! So great is your power that your enemies cringe before you'. When I was quick to testify against the Conservatives, local councillor and their followers. The Tories kept on telling me to shut up, and be quiet.

A young girl and her partner were questioning their housing plans, and about social housing. I testified that the Conservatives had taken the money out of social housing, and had not reinvested in it with the money that they took. It was the Conservatives that 'depleted' the housing the stocks purposefully.

The Conservatives in the audience in the hall did not like to hear the truth, and they kept on telling me to be quiet and to shut up. All they were interested in was infrastructure, road building, where they were going to park their new cars, and how they would be able to get to the shops in their cars due to the huge increases in housebuilding and people living in the area.

This mother of life kept on speaking up, I carried on testifying. They could not hush the mother in defence of the poorest of our nation and social justice.

Whether it was about how the Conservatives sold the social housing stocks, whether it was about social justice, whether it was about unemployment of the youth, and older people. Whether it was about food banks, the austerity measures, magistrates, police force, CPS, legal system etc etc.

'My lips promised and my mouth spoke'. 'Noble deeds stand'. 

'For whoever has shall be given more, and they will have an abundance', Matthew 13:12

They could not silence yours truly, or the veteran that stood up, supported and defended what I was saying. The veteran told the politicians that they were 'not listening to the people.'

And Zechariah 7:12 mentions what had happened to their hearts. 'They made their hearts as hard as flint, and they would not listen to the law or the words that the LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit, through the earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry' and then he spoke through the veteran.

'Praise be to God who has not rejected my prayer or withheld his love from me!'.

Before I left home that evening, I said a prayer and asked that the LORD speak through my mouth what he wished for me to say, as I knew that there would be many people in the audience - and it was a long time since I had done any public speaking in the UK.

In 2011 Jesus had spoken of the fact that we were moving into awesomeness and 444 was the timeline for the perfected love. At that time it was shared on-line and there were many witnesses to it.

Psalm 66 mentions the awesome deeds. In 2012 there was another miracle and yesterday, Jesus said, 'It was a demonstration'. Do you know how to liberate the love hands-on? Can you move a person out of the 'valley of death?' As this mother of life as done? Michael lived another two years with my love in his heart. Daughter Jerusalem, the former dominion was restored. Micah 4.

I only stayed two weeks in America in 2008, and it was a time of rest and restoration, although a lot was shared while I was in America. That is the last time that I had two weeks in the sunshine. When was the last time that you had a holiday? How about the politicians that have received a £10,000 a year pay rise? What austerity measures did the politicians have to accept?

The Conservatives had to hear everything that I had been sent to speak, just as I had to speak in America about Obama and what was coming upon America.

It included calling out the British politicians on immigration. I told them what had been shared with a previous MP, the Liberal Democrat had been told that 'if they didn't stop the immigration, then there would be anarchy and bloodshed in every town and city' that was in 2007. I told him to bring our troops home immediately to defend our people in the UK.

That they had to put a stop to the austerity or pay the consequences for not doing so.

'My lips promised and my mouth spoke'.

The politicians were called out on the 'Bedroom Tax', and the taking away of children's bedrooms and their sanctuary of peace, when there isn't even enough smaller properties for people to downsize to.

Every child should be allowed to have their own bedroom, their very own sanctuary of peace.

What they were doing to the disabled in this country. How they were moving people out of their homes, and how people couldn't afford to move physically. Health wise some were unable to move home, and many 'suicides' have been the result of austerity.

What the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have done is a 'travesty of justice', a 'crime against humanity', 'procurement of suicide' and a 'contravention' of the UN Human Rights of the Children'. Cameron should be brought before the high court for 'corporate manslaughter' and Iain Duncan-Smith with him and all of the politicians that voted for austerity should be brought to account.

That OAP's didn't have to move physically, (another reason why they've cut pensions from women born in the 1950's). How women in their 40's are now being asked to work till they are 70 before retirement is permitted by those that they work for.

It was explained that what the Conservatives are doing is 'discrimination against the poorest of the nation', due to the fact that there was no bedroom tax on private properties. As such, 'inequality', and 'discrimination',  along with 'poverty', as increased during the term of election of David Cameron and his entourage.

Where is the justice in what the Conservatives are doing to people in the UK?

Another fact that homes they are building are getting smaller and smaller, people in the UK, live in the smallest properties in Europe. Many areas of the UK are overpopulated due to immigration and the Conservatives, developers and builders shall not have our green fields to cover it in concrete to give homes to economic migrants.

In addition, they keep on building houses etc - but they're not keeping to their international agreements of building ecologically and self-sustainably. There are government grants for solar panels but what about all the new builds that are going on? Every time I look at a new build, where are the ecological and self-sustainable properties? Why are people still on the grid, and why are more people not getting off the grid? Because of the involvement of the corporations, building manufacturer's, property developers, that make money on the backs of the poor!

So who in the planning department is 'ignoring' international agreements to 'cut emissions?' They made ecological agreements but there were no college courses and teachers of eco-building in colleges across the UK.  They always put the cart before the horse don't they?

Where was the investment in training courses for the children that wished to learn eco living and building? My son went to the local college, nothing was available in eco building. All they had done is include a few changes to existing training courses. That are not totally ecological or self-sustainable housing.

I've seen the new buses that are clearly more energy efficient, but what about all of the women that were born in the 1950"s that have had their pensions and bus passes removed from them? I've seen buses packed full with students, and not a seat for mothers and babies, or the elderly on some of those buses.

They'e reduced the frequency of the buses which has meant there are a lot more people on the buses at peak times. The buses are overflowing with people to the point, that you couldn't get another person on the bus.

All they could do was let people off the bus to make room for the people on it, is that a healthy situation to be huddled together like that in each other's auric fields? Then they wonder why people don't travel by bus. If everyone travelled by bus they couldn't all get on the buses that are available.

1950's women, half a million women that helped this country and its children to prosper, totally 'ripped off' by Cameron, DWP and his entourage. While doctors in the NHS have retired with million pound pensions prior to their retirement age. Where is the justice in that?

What else? More than 130 NHS officials that assess which drugs are given to patients have second jobs as paid consultants to pharmaceutical firms. Is it any surprise they retire with million pound pensions?

I went to see a surgeon at a local hospital on Friday, the surgeon didn't even give me an examination or a diagnosis. Can you raise the standards NHS? Or do you require some health professionals to help you?

Then there is the fact that same doctors have been allowing DWP to privatise the NHS, NHS UK PLC is a corporation. Have you seen the stem cell scientists and what they've said about it?

The NHS corporation, babies have a soul, whether they stay in the womb or not. The repercussions of what the scientists are doing to consciousness is huge. We campaigned against organ harvesting in China for good purpose. If an adult chooses to give their organs to someone, that is their choice.

However, what choice does a baby have in the matter? Parents are the guardian of the soul that they have birthed. Do parents comprehend the memories that are transported in a transplant of an organ?

Have you read this book, The Heart's Code' that I read in the 90's. It was written by Paul Pearsall Phd.

His research with transplants went much further than the heart, he found that memories were transplanted with every organ. So when you accept a transplant, what memories of other diseases did you inherit, do you know? Do the surgeons that are involved in it?

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