
Wednesday 17 February 2016

Evening Standard - Women Born in 1950's.

I phoned the Evening Standard in London to ask them to do an article on the women that were born in the 1950's, the women that helped the children of this nation to prosper and they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and covered their ears'. Zechariah 7:11.

When I shared with the young journalist that I started work part-time at the age of 13, with three different jobs, and full-time at age 15 six days a week.

She had the cheek to ask, 'Did you pay tax?'.

'They turned their backs' on the women that had their pensions removed from them. Women that could've lived independently due to the taxes and NI that we paid in during healthy working lives.

Now those women are being forced to attend work assessments, and many of the women have health issues that manifested during and after menopause due to what David Cameron, DWP and his entourage have co-created.

We know for a fact, scientifically that 'stress' and 'trauma' changes DNA, as such, the deeds of DWP are impacting on the health of the women. As we know, it will cost DWP, Cameron and the nation a lot more in the long run, that's why the NHS UK PLC has more patients than it can cope with. The NHS is overstretched and underfunded by the same people that 'turn their backs' on 'widows and the fatherless'.

As prophecy foretold,  'I will be quick to testify'. Malachi 3:5

Do you know what? The Son of Joseph worked for the Evening Standard during his life, he paid huge taxes during his lifetime and he passed over prior to being able to enjoy his retirement. What cost to his health was working for the Evening Standard and other newspapers in Fleet Street? 

I tell you what when Brian Nicholson was MD of the Evening Standard, he did not refuse the daughter of the Son of Joseph. Brian Nicholson had a true heart and a conscience. I found him with kindness in his heart - and I still remember speaking to him when I was working in Knightsbridge for Benton and Bowles. The Son of Joseph was chuffed when he heard that we had spoken together, he really liked Brian Nicholson and spoke of him fondly at home.

If women refuse medication and the pharmaceutical industry that GP's, IAPT CBT embrace, that goes against the women. If the NHS UK PLC are unable to or do not give a proper diagnosis to the women, that goes against them. If those women refuse to go to work assessments, for numerous different reasons. If they say NO, it is 'discrimination' against the poorest that paid their dues, it goes against them. If women say NO, they receive no financial help or assistance from the taxes and NI that they paid during their working lives.

Cameron is cutting children's centres, pensions and disability allowances from the poorest and most vulnerable of the nation. While Iain Duncan-Smith and the rest of the MP's received £10,000 a year pay rise, and increased expenses. Why didn't parliament have to have their salaries cut and engage in austerity measures?

4 million visits to food banks, and it is written that Cameron 'threatened' to close the food banks provided by the charitable trust when the trust spoke out against the Conservatives. Apparently, he also 'threatened' Oxfam when they spoke up about what DWP were doing. Yet, that is not news for the Evening Standard, they clearly embrace what the Conservatives are doing in London that impacts on the whole of UK.

The journalists at the Evening Standard, 'They made their hearts as hard as flint, and would not listen to the law or to the words that the LORD Almighty had sent by his Spirit, through the earlier prophets. So the LORD Almighty was very angry'. Zechariah 7:12.

Can the Evening Standard raise its standard? Or has it already gone like the Independent is going.

Does the Evening Standard embrace Angela Merkel and the IMF too? Or how about what Goldman Sachs did to Greece with Angela Merkel to get Greece into the Euro? Greece shall be saved as it is foretold.

Remember what Jesus said, 'I shall not leave you as orphans, I will come to you'.

Do you know that an elderly woman in A&E heard an Abba song clairaudiently?

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