
Monday 15 February 2016

Psalm 66 Abundance

Psalm 66:11 'You brought us into prison and laid burdens on our backs'. January 2011. How could I have known what they were doing to the people and their consciousness, unless I saw it, felt it, and knew it, experienced it for myself. How could I have known what they were doing with sound to impact upon the people's consciousness and their vital bodies.

'You let people ride over our heads; we went through fire and water, but you brought us to a place of abundance'. I had to go through that fire and water, it was hard to accept, yet I knew in my heart that you had a divine purpose for it. I knew that you had forewarned me that it was coming, as you had shown it to this mother of life.

Yet, it was still a shock when it happened, as I was still bereaved, with no chance of recovery from it in that timeline, as the bereavements just kept on coming, one after the other. Yet through it all, I managed to hold onto my peaceful heart and my sanity, beyond endurance.

In recent days Paul Weston as also been 'arrested' and in the scriptures Jesus also forewarned us about the 'arrests' that would come. Paul Weston was quoting Winston Churchill. What did I say? 'I do wish you would speak English'.

The British police force and CPS don't like human rights and freedom of speech. In this video Paul Weston mentions that the media are not interested in the case, the same applies to women that have had their pensions removed. The media are not interested in defending human rights of the women that have paid their taxes during their lives.

My auric fields still 'shudder' if anyone steps into it, even if my son is behind me suddenly. My body and auric fields still respond to any sudden 'noises', that wouldn't have impacted on my light body prior to what happened. At least I know what they're doing to men, women and children, I also know what the so-called justice system is doing in the magistrates court.

We know scientifically, we have the scientific evidence to prove that sound can change DNA - and as such, impact greatly on your health and how your physical body responds. Professor Ann Baldwin, from the University of Arizona did some incredible research. 'Noise causes stress'. The impact of noise and how it creates 'inflammation' in the intestines and blood vessels. Hence what happened to my health after what happened in 2011, was a direct result of what the police did. Even now all these years later, I still get blood vessels exploding in my body, its taking years to repair what they did.

It isn't a reality that I can put completely behind me and forget, move on from it, due to receiving reminders of it in day-to-day life with sounds and people. I've always known that the consciousness of the light body of people is fragile, sentient and sensitive and intelligent. Even more so when the light body has been heightened with the power of healing therapies.

When I was in the cell for the night on the eclipse. Afterwards, I was told that Queensland had flooded. The day I went to court, the location was also flooded and it was front page local news. The LORD certainly responded to what the police had done to his mother of life. As what they had done had also impacted upon my waterworks and water is mentioned in Psalm 66.

'They passed through the waters on foot, come let us rejoice in him'.

The fire can relate to what the police did to my intestines and blood vessels as scientifically proven by the work of Professor Ann Baldwin, from the University of Arizona. Incredible research that proves that wisdom is correct!

It was in 2011 that Jesus spoke of us moving into awesomeness, and Psalm 66 mentions the awesome deeds. It is also written in the Psalm 'my lips promised and my mouth spoke'. It was in that timeline that I did some interviews for Americans on what happened, in different realities and explained what was happening in the UK. Forewarned is forearmed.

Psalm 66 mentions the 'fat animals', and it was alleged that I called a person 'fat', although I would never do such a thing, I am much more sensitive to the health issues of others than that.

Although I might say to a person that is a close friend, that they should consider shedding some weight for their own health reasons. Or I might ask if a person knows about the latest positive scientific findings, cutting edge science and the new biology, or do you just take the word of doctors in the NHS?

If I had listened to people in the NHS, I would have signed for operations that I didn't require in my 20's. Fortunately, I was very alert, and read the paperwork. And that was a London hospital. The Middlesex. Its no wonder they chose to get rid of my medical files, is that legal in the UK?

People have a choice to take responsibility for their health, and explore all of the opportunities and truth that is available, although people have to have open minds and hearts to do so.

Go to see more than one doctor if necessary. As most doctors cannot or will not give you an accurate diagnosis. If you can find an holistic doctor all the better for it - and your health recovery. Mind, body and soul entwined, for the mind is in every cell, and every cell as a mind of its own. That is how a single cell can live outside of the body for at least a month.

You may ask what keeps that cell alive? If you comprehend the energy of the soul, then you know, for wisdom knows and is proven correct just as Jesus foretold that she would be.


What else do we have on the fire? Elijah's Fire, when I went to speak to an MP and a councillor was present he tried to stop me from speaking and Jesus had asked for Elijah's Fire. In defence of the poor and those that are suffering austerity measures in the UK. I also shared about what the police are doing, and what CPS is doing, and what is happening in the magistrates courts.

I told that councillor that he didn't look like a person that had gone without food to me, it didn't look like he had to suffer austerity measures while millions of families are having to go to food banks. What do you know, the MP's even got a huge pay rise, and the parliament now has the most expensive since it began. So much for a smaller government Mr Cameron.

Anyway, a lovely veteran stood up with me, noble deeds stand - and he told those politicians that they 'weren't listening to the people'.

'My lips promised, my mouth spoke'. 

'Let me tell you what he has done for me'. 

'I cried out to him with my mouth; his praise was on my tongue'. 

What the police did also impacted upon my mouth, and now I have to have more oral surgery. The NHS do not give a diagnosis, they try to tell me that its normal, when I know that it is not.

I know what happened to my DNA, and its consciousness. I know how traumatised I was when I left the police station, how I left speechless at what they had done, and how what they did impacted upon my health and vital body. I also know medically that trauma impacts on the teeth, that is what the specialists of Sjogren's comprehend.

'God has surely listened; and has heard my prayer. Praise be to God, who has not rejected my prayer, or withheld his love from me!. 

In 2013 this blog began, and I carried on painting at your command, then I remember when I kept on seeing the abundance appearing before my eyes. Blessings in abundance just kept on coming in different realities to help me through. 'For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance'. Matthew 13:12

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