
Monday 15 February 2016

Oxfordshire Children's Centres

Its a long time since I worked in Oxfordshire and its great to see the campaign to save the Children's Centres. During my life I was blessed that my son was able to go to a local council nursery from a baby. The quality of the staff and their work was absolutely brilliant, they loved my son, and my son loved his nursery nurses.

I did pay a contribution towards his care and 32 years ago it cost £37+ a week and that included his meals. I have to admit that was a large chunk out of my full-time salary after taxes were paid and that was still a lot of money in those days.

So I also run a part-time weekend business on top of my full-time job, to help pay for the overhead of bringing up a child without any other financial support than I could earn myself. There was never any guarantee that his dad would make a contribution to help sustain him financially, I had to take full responsibility for providing for my son.

My son would arrive at nursery before I began work, and I or the au pair had to collect him just before the end of the work day. He would have breakfast at home prior to leaving and he would have dinner at home.

I agree that the council run nurseries are an essential service that must remain in every county. I also support the continuance of Sure Start centres throughout the UK.

2015 Protest Oxfordshire 

Painting gifted to an ex-midwife-health visitor 2015. 

What David Cameron said about it in 2013. 

David Cameron's aunt Claire Currie has led the march against the cuts, his mother Mary also signed the petition against the austerity cuts and the closing of 44 children's centres in Oxfordshire. Its great the mums have Mary and Claire's support. Currie Currie to you David, better learn not to take on our lovely mums.

As a mum that was supported by the local nursery with the bringing up of my son in his early years, I have to support the mums and their protest to save the local council nurseries. Some parents don't have families living nearby to help them, and that makes the nurseries even more a priority.

The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

As a consultant that worked at Sure Start, I also support the importance of these children centres, as a vital service for young families and access to what they require that suits them. If that means that consultants like myself have to be brought into Sure Start, then so be it. It is the choice of the families and not for Cameron to decide what they can have and what they can't.

What does a rich man born with a silver spoon in his mouth know about children that don't have a dad? What could Cameron ever know about the difficulties that a mother faces when she has to bring up a child in aloneness?

What does he know about the amount of support every mother deserves? Did you introduce the bedroom tax Mr Cameron, and take away the bedrooms of the children? Did you know Mr Cameron that what you have done is in 'contravention of the UN human rights of children' to choose for themselves? And for children to be involved in every decision that impacts upon them and their lives.

Mothers are sacred co-creators and the children deserve the very best that life as to offer.

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