
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Noble Deeds Stand

Noble deeds stand just as Jesus stood at my side.
The mother he chose for her integrity stood against the politicians,
and the church.

The very people that had 'persecuted' Jesus and his healers,
and their love that came from above.

Zion defends in the power of magnanimous love.
A noble task to defend his healing community that he loves.
A community that share in his love in power beyond measure.
The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.

The mother of life embraced the mystics, loved the healers,
brought forth the children. To realise that they have huge potential.
Families that have great worth in my eyes, for beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

For just as Jesus saw the beauty in the heart of this mother,
I saw the beauty in the mothers that are indeed sacred.
The meditation of the heart was dedicated to the mothers,
for their healing process. Although their babies loved it too.

I remember the day that I was on the bus, on that day,
I wasn't feeling my best. He stood by me, and said, 'You're gorgeous'.
Tears welled in my eyes, as they often did in his beloved kindness.

Always by my side, always with me, always ready to step in
with his supportive loving words.

He knows who is true and who gave their heart. He knows the
sheer amount of effort that went into his investment of love.
The miracles were stunning and people were amazed.

What love is this that carries on regardless of what anyone says of her?
What love is this that is so empowered, that many left her, but Jesus stayed.
Yet many returned when they had requirement for the mothers help.

They knew her door was always open, if they came sincerely, and
with pure intent. The mother renewing their lives, with more
new blessings in abundance. They always left with more than
they arrived with.

To help them with their growth, and to enhance their beings.
Open to share, open to love, mercifully and compassionately.
The love knew that they could always come home to welcome arms.
And the day would come when she would work with the farms.

I remember the first ecological and self-sustainable farm
that we went to in the 90's. Acres and acres of stunning
constable country, and in it placed some wonderful healers,
some spiritual elders that taught colour and sound.

It was in that English location that my son and I also did Reiki.
That's where he did his level one, on an ecological farm.

He was just a teenager when he worked in the beauty
of the sunshine of the farm. Truly that location was
blessed in abundance with some wonderful people.
We even considered moving there at one point,
but we were sent abroad and then to return.

The book of life was written - an outpouring of love
for those that requested it.


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