
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Ireland's Cultural Genocide

When Benedict was elected Jesus said that it would be genocide for the church. All these years later we see what is happening in Ireland. Systematic cultural genocide, with indigenous Irish forced to leave Ireland to find work. Many have left Ireland and have gone to Australia, although the immigrants stay and mosques are being built all over Ireland. Its not the first time that the Irish have left Ireland. However, this time it is different, due to the large immigrant population that is co-creating cultural genocide of their country.

Some of the Irish also bought into the property boom and then found it was taken away from them. The Irish have gone from boom to bust, bankers and politicians, the bane of your life. The Irish tell you that the fabric of Ireland has completely changed. Basically, the developers were allowed to do anything they wished to do due to what the politicians were receiving from those developers.

This documentary includes a young electrician that is leaving to go to Australia, due to unemployment in Ireland. Ireland is now exporting its labour to Australia due to an unsustainable building boom between 2004-2008.

Another man in the documentary a trained chef that has never been out of work until when this documentary was made in 2011. Difficult decisions having to be made, with so many Irish people left in negative equity. Sadly, many Irish took the carrot of owning your own property, and were then left in huge debts. It makes you wonder why they didn't take note of what happened in England in the late 80's and 90's with property boom and bust. When so many properties and homes were taken from people, leaving them homeless.

Why did they think it would be any different for the Irish? At the same time many of the Irish have not defending their country from the large influx of immigration. The republicans are even standing against Pegida members that are defending Ireland from the implementation of sharia law. I'm sure that sharia finance is in operation in Ireland and as most of the big banks became compliant with it.

With sharia finance comes sharia law, they work together. Some say there is no interest in Sharia law, in sharia law the lenders still earn and what they earn in fees is much higher than a traditional mortgage. So don't buy into their rent and mortgage schemes due to the very high cost of them.

Sharia law must be banned if Ireland has any chance of survival as an Irish country. Ireland as to stop building mosques in Ireland. Stop accepting economic migrants, stop the trafficking of women from other European countries that are trafficked to marry Muslims. Ireland you have to put your country, your indigenous children and their future first.

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