
Friday 19 February 2016

Weeping Fig Tree John 1:50-51

In the 90's our house was full of green plants and they grew and grew in the light. I had to keep on re-potting the cheese plant into bigger pots. The weekend of Princess Diana's funeral a colleague and I were booked into the Healing Arts exhibition in north London. Lady Diana she was so naturally lovely and so powerfully loved for her merciful and compassionate actions. United in our hearts, noble deeds stand.

On the way to the exhibition I was compelled to buy a green weeping fig plant for our table, that is what the florist said it was.

The 'Weeping Fig' had come into my life again, I took it to the healing exhibitions with me after that, and it would dance in the healing energies that it liked.

During that timeline in the 90's, a butterfly flew into the hall of healers and landed on my table and it stayed in the hall overnight, and was still on the table when we returned the next day. The butterfly had managed to get through the doors, through the first reception, then through the second reception area, then through to door ways, prior to landing with yours truly.

Butterfly Mandala gifted to an American. 

The message of the butterfly was that great transformation was coming and so it did. It was after that my son and I went to Australia for a year. Prior to leaving the UK, I gave all our green plants to our healers and friends and the book of genesis mentions that if you give a person a green plant, it means that you will give them your everything.

My mother and I also bought each other green plants during our lives. When I was in Israel in 2006, I was compelled to gift the spiritual Israeli's a Lily of Peace, that would've really pleased my mum and the Son of Joseph, for they loved the Jewish people.

In the book of John, it mentions the 'fig tree', and it is written that Jesus said, "You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that. He then added, "Very truly I tell you, you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man'. John 1:50-51, so the sighting of that specific green plant in the 90's, was a major message of what was to come and an indication of the timeline. As we know, the terminology 'Son of Man', is a term of endearment and Prophet Daniel and Ezekiel were also referred to as 'Son of Man'.

After our return from Australia, when I began teaching again after the transformation, people spoke of how they saw Jesus walking with me, and how he was seen on the workshops and training courses and healing miracles began to happen.

'He has helped his servant Israel remembering to be merciful. To Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors'. Luke 54-55

Interesting that I had a dream of angels the other day, blessed children dressed as page boys and bridesmaids. The eldest of the children had long blonde hair, so gorgeous, all dressed in white they were.

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