
Saturday 20 February 2016

Cusp of the Great Age - Sun in Pisces

Another brilliant article from Robert Wilkinson. The Sun is entering Pisces tonight, illuminating the Cusp of the Great Age, Where the Age of Pisces Gives Way to the Age of Aquarius. This is a short excerpt from his article, I've provided the link so that you can read the complete article if you would like to do so.

'The Sun in the last degrees of Aquarius shows that we’re moving through 48 hours of experiencing the transformational energies of the 29th and 30th degrees of Aquarius. Of some major importance is each year this triggers effects from what Uranus awakened across the world associated with its retrograde station at 29 Aquarius in June 2002 followed by its direct station in November 2003.
Neptune began to “dream the awakening into collective consciousness” when it went stationary retrograde on that degree in May 2010, and set a platform for the atmosphere we’ve all been experiencing since then when it went stationary direct on that degree in November 2011. As 29 and 30 Aquarius, along with 1 and 2 Pisces, is the zone of the “Cusp of the Great Age,” these Transpersonal planetary stations show us what’s down the road for the next 150-190 years.
29 Aquarius is “butterfly emerging from chrysalis." The Sun vitalizes and illuminates whatever it touches. That means at this exact time of the year humanity again experiences (if briefly) a long wave critical period of metamorphosis where we can “see the light” of why we have all had to go through a complete transformation of our lives the past 14 years.'

I can really feel that the heat as been turned up this night, its really hot and it feels like it did in 2003 when was I getting ready to leave for Italy for the Harmonic Concordance. The love just kept on coming. 

In response to Robert's article, as far as this mystic is concerned, the first day of the golden age was in November 2003 at the harmonic concordance. 

However, I am aware that the ages overlap, as one age is moving out and the other is moving in. 

From my own experience, perspective and view, and in many ways the transition as had to be an overlapping of the content from one age to another. That meant helping people that read ancient texts, to comprehend those ancient texts in a more spiritual and deeper reality. 

To go beyond where they were and in so doing combining the best aspects of the past, giving spiritual comprehension in the present, to enable and help the Christians that were open to receive. So that in the present and in the future they can be more proactive and responsive in a more spiritual way as originally intended, united in the heart of noble deeds that stand. 

My Venus is in Pisces so it will be interesting to see what happens next, in my life cycle of spiritual transformation, as I had a beautiful dream of angelic children last week. I also know that my attention is more localised and vocalised in Europe, in the UK, and also my own location in this current phase of the divine plan.

The 90's were about helping the love to grow in wisdom, the 21st century was born in wisdom. 

Robert mentions the last 14 years, in hindsight, the last 14 years for spiritual people as been about defending the love and what love manifests truly. In the 90's the standards were raised in spirituality, and after that - higher standards were being asked of those that were in the forefront of the new realities. 

The people that really cared fully were compelled to improve their standards and the quality of their work, and so many more people are ready now - for the next phase of the divine plan. We can look back over the last 14 years and say, a job done in wondrous divine intervention. 

Even in my own life and with my own son, I can look at him and go WOW, we did it!

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