
Wednesday 20 January 2016


I just had a dream of a man and he was showing the underneath of his tongue, like you would show your tongue to a doctor. Underneath his tongue he had a black spot on his tongue. I thought, I hope that I don't have that.

So I then looked at my own tongue, and my tongue was alright. As I am pondering on what I saw, it looked as if his tongue had been pierced on the governing meridian.

In dream interpretation to dream of an open mouth can be an indication that a person has to listen more. If you saw the person's teeth, it can also be a warning about a friend and to beware of them.

The man was seeing the doctor because the man had become ill, its amazing what the tongue can tell you about the health of a person. Although how many doctors examine the tongue if and when you have cause to go to see them?

In modern symbology we find the 'black spot' in the book 'Treasure Island' and it was given to pirates as judgement upon them.  Its also the name of an American aircraft.

Strange that this video is called 'David Bowie's got your tongue and tags'.

In that crusader vision post, it mentions two men from the hillsides of Ephraim and in the last week, two rock musicians from England have passed over. David and Dale.

I was compelled to post the 'King of Pain' video on the 7th January, 2016.

Three days prior to the passing of David Bowie.

Sounds like we are being asked to pay attention to the health of the tongue.

David Bowie also had cosmetic surgery after he married.

The dentist on this link shares how the 'black spot' is created due to dental surgery - by metal that pierces the tongue and becomes embedded in it. Just like a piercing of a tongue when people put metal in their tongue. Proverbs 7 mentions the piercing of the liver, and what happens in the mouth, surely does impact upon the liver. So when you are considering dental surgery that will put more metal in your mouth, it is crucial that you consider the implications for the rest of your body.

After this post was made, someone else reported that they also had a dream of a tongue two days ago, and a man's back was the tongue. The saliva glands are at the back of the throat, and the quality of the saliva is very important. We also know that x-rays impact on those glands. The liver is also impacted upon by three teeth. Two in the upper 13, and 23. One in the lower, 33.

In this video the man also mentions the adrenal glands - and I have tailored made some soups specifically for the detoxing the adrenals.

That's another reason why cleaning the teeth with coconut oil is very important, to keep those teeth as holistically healthy for as long as possible. It also helps the liver with the work that it has to do.

On the 27th August, 2015, an eye mask appeared before me twice in the bathroom.

In this video a person sent in two photographs of their different eyes, and by looking at the eyes, he was able to diagnose where the weaknesses are in the body. That is what iridologists can do with the eyes. In a different video on the liver, he also mentioned that eating too much puts the liver under extra pressure. I'd say especially if its American meat. Its no coincidence that David, sang a song, 'Under Pressure' and that was prophetic.

Spotted in Space

So as you can see, your dreams are incredibly important, in your intuitive ability to help humanity. 

I certainly embrace dreams seriously.

Flame of Joseph

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