
Tuesday 19 January 2016


What dignity do the generation of women have when they are in their 60's, and they're told they can't have the pension that was agreed with them when they began their working lives? Many women that came from working class families and started work at 15-16 years of age. Some like myself, even started work earlier part-time at the age of 13. Women that made a huge contribution to the prosperity of this country.

Not only the women but their families did also. Some like myself even worked throughout their pregnancies and went back to work due to supporting their child or children. Some of these women didn't have husbands or partners to support them, they had to be independent, and do it all themselves.

Some were employed, some began self-employment and had their own small businesses. Some lived through the recession of the late 1980's-early 90's, some were fortunate to hold onto their homes, and some went through divorces, and found themselves with nothing due to the recession. Some even had to give up their homes, became homeless and had to be housed due to what politicians had done.

Apparently, changes to pensions was legislated in 1995, yet, there was no consultation with the women, and as such, that is a contravention of human rights of consent. It has also come to light that women were not informed of what was going to happen when it did happen. As such, women were not given the opportunity to prepare for the changes that were coming.

Then in 2011, there were further changes made, and the outcome is; that women of this generation have been raped of six years of pension that amounts to £50,000 per woman. Estimates cited say it applies to half a million women in the UK.

As far as I am concerned, its not just about the money, its the principle, the human rights, the legality of what the politicians have done. A crisis has been caused for many women that worked hard, paid taxes in good faith, to find that what they thought they were paying for, wasn't in fact the case. That in actual fact - when agreements are made between governments and the people of the UK, that never means that politicians have either the intention or will keep to those agreements made.

And women in their 40's are now being told that agreements made with them won't be met either, they're being told that they will have to work until they are 70 before they will be able to receive a pension. Do you know what I think? I think women should stop paying taxes to men that do not honour their pledges and agreements.

Remember what they did to the Native Americans, they made agreements, then raped them of their lands. The same as happened to my generation of women, they've been raped financially, is that OK with you ladies, how does that feel? Had enough of the politicians that are the bane of your lives?

Did you give your consent to that every time you voted? Did you really know what you were voting for, did you vote for rape? Accept it, because that is what you got! That is why they wished for so many women to go to work, they couldn't rape you physically anymore,  and keep you tied to the kitchen sink, so they raped you financially instead. Women wished to have their freedom, they wished to be viewed as equal to men, and what did you get in return? They just found another way to strip you of the life that you thought that you were working for.

Do you think that there is harmonious respect and dignity in that? The truth as to be told, that's what we call freedom of speech. That is your dignity, to open your mouths and speak the truth. To write the truth. To respond to it, legally, scientifically, and peacefully. For what is peace if there not be love? And where is the love in what the politicians have done to a whole generation of women that cared deeply, and worked hard for the prosperity of its nation and its children.

At the same time that a generation is in crisis, young MP's' are earning more than ever, and even had an increase of £10,000 a year. At the same time that the media declare that £50,000 a year is being put aside for Syrian children that come to the UK. At the same time that politicians could fund wars against Libya and Syria in your name. For if you are British by birth, and you voted for those men, then you too are responsible for their actions that you allowed them to carry out - on the back of your vote.

This is a serious wake-up call for all ages, not just my generation. There are some people with integrity, but as the scrolls declare - they're is only one in a thousand that can stand in integrity before the flame of Joseph. David Bowie knew what integrity meant, and he was true to it, as much as he was able to be, but, he was a rare being. David knew that integrity was of the heart, but David Bowie had seen a lot of life and was very informed.

I mention him, because he was also raped financially in his young life. He was young, but he soon wised up to what was happening, when there was nothing in the pot to cook with. My son also found a time when he had nothing to eat, and he did learn from it, and it did make a man of him. Yet, was that really necessary? Did he have to push the boundaries of life so far? To be returned home to wisdom?

How many women have been to the food banks, while young MP's celebrate sitting in Westminster?

What life as a 20 year old lived? What experience of life can they bestow? Is there any wisdom in parliament? Goodness gracious me, if there was any wisdom in parliament, or any in the House of Lords in Westminster, women of this generation would be exalted so highly and their feet wouldn't touch the ground.

Although I must admit Glenda Jackson is incredible, what an amazing woman. It never was about feminism, it was about those that were intent on oppressing the feminine, yet, women also allowed that to happen within themselves.

Not because they were raped physically,  but because those that worked were honest, they stood true in their hearts, they gave all that they had to give to the working environment. That is the culture that this generation grew up in, with an excellent work ethic.

That is what made the NHS, that is what made everything that became wonderful. And yet, women of this generation, allowed the men to rape it, to rape the work ethic with zero contracts, low pay, rape it with middle men, rape it with immigrants, and as I write this, the LORD tells me that 'women allowed it be to raped with negligence'.

Do you know what 'negligence' means, do you know that there is a legal term that applies to it, do you know that it is a legal duty to care?

Its called, 'Criminal negligence'. So start shouting it from the roof tops because women are in crisis, and some are being forced by DWP to go for work assessments, to sign away their privacy, and a lot more. Is that justice that some of this generation that worked so hard are at the food banks? Is that dignity? Is it justice that so many women cannot afford to live financially independently, due to being raped of what they paid for?


In fact, women should retire from working when their menopause starts to impact on their physical being, so that they can give their attention to the health of their bodies, due to the huge changes that many experience. Women were not made to work, or sit in offices, all of their lives with technology that impacts on your health.

Women were not made to pay taxes, women were made to nurture, to love, to birth children, to love their mate and children, and men were born to protect the feminine. Time for men to wake up to fact that there would be no nation without these mothers. Working during menopause should be a lifestyle choice, not forced upon anyone.

Our mothers and their mothers rested during the change of life, my mother even used to have her afternoon sleep to give the body extra time to rejunvenate. If you get sufficient rest during the menopause then you are more likely to live longer. Politicians don't wish for women to live longer, that's why they're forcing women to work, in an era when there isn't enough jobs for everyone.

My original plan was to retire at 50 and move to the Greek Islands, have cards will travel.  However, God had a different plan as you can see for this mother of life. As he said, 'Yoshofar', and as David Bowie sung, 'This is not America'.




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