
Thursday 14 January 2016


I received a message about the car, its about an anniversary of my car and driving, on the 18th of January, was the day that the local court took my driving license. After that, the town was flooded and it made front page news headlines, yours truly hasn't driven since. Its hard to achieve things when you live in the countryside without a car. 

It impacts upon the mobility of your life, it changes your life immeasurably, a lot more than people realise when they're used to having a car to get around. Its far easier to become reclusive without transport, and people didn't mind if I became a recluse, because if they had, if they had've been concerned, they would've made sure that I was enabled to drive again. 

When this spiritual teacher was banned from going back to Australia for three years, my life changed so much in that three years that I didn't go back when the ban was over, a lot of water had gone under the bridge by that point. 

A car ban impacts on your career, and your ability to make a living financially to support yourself. When the car was taken away, it also took away the ability to be financially independent and get things done. It was the first time without a driving licence since I passed my driving test, and I passed my driving test, just before the Son of Joseph passed over, so driving also has a connection with bereavement. 

The licence was given during the mourning for the Son of Joseph, and it was taken away during the mourning for Michael, although what happened is known as an 'unlawful arrest'. It wasn't just about the 'injustice' of what happened, what they did while I was bereaved, impacted upon my health and consciousness, it changed my DNA activity. 

A car is symbolic of freedom, and that's what it felt like; my freedom had been taken away, my freedom to move, my freedom to work, my freedom to heal and give healing, my freedom to socialise, my freedom to travel, my freedom to be uniquely me, freedom to enjoy life, especially spiritual life and the freedom to teach. The only freedom that I had remaining, was the freedom to be in my peace in my home, and even that they tried to take. 

The car was bought with a small inheritance that I received in 2007. 'They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on'. Mark 12:44 

So again, the car was-is connected to a bereavement, three bereavements and every time there was another bereavement - it further entrenched what had happened to my reality of living life. Another life and their freedom to live had been taken, and the freedom to live had been taken from the Son of Joseph by the medics in the final weeks and months of his life on the planet. 

'Just as I gave you the green plants, I now give you everything'. Genesis 9:3. 

That's an interesting verse when you consider how many green plants were bought for you during your life, and by whom. How many green plants that you bought for your family, and people during your life, and who you gave green plants too. As far as I remember, the last green plant that I was compelled to gift, was for a Jewish couple in Northern Israel. True Israelites are givers. 

After the heavenly Father spoke about the car today, straight afterwards this song was recommended, David singing, 'I couldn't give everything away'. That's a sad note isn't it, that David left for his fans, the ultimate realisation prior to his passing, that he could've given more financially, but he couldn't. 

I read that he has already been cremated, no ceremony, no funeral. The news report said that not even his wife and family were in attendance. David also lived a reclusive life towards the end of it, he was happy and contented to just be at home in his peace. The peaceful Englishman, the culture star. 

In metaphysics the liver is the seat of primitive emotion, in his song he sung about being 'wrong'. His most recent bereavement had been his mother, prior to that his brother, and John Lennon. It sounds like he judged himself - and that judgement of himself being 'wrong' was in his liver.

Proverb 7 mentions a man and a woman, and the liver. 'A woman that he followed, like an ox going to slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose. Till the arrow pierces his liver, like a bird darting into a snare, little knowing it will cost him his life'. 

It mentions the Egyptian linen, his sister married an Egyptian when he was young, and she was one of five wives, an Egyptian harem. His Islamic wife with the same name, Iman, from a rich educated Somalian family, began her education in Cairo. Her mother was a doctor and her father was a diplomat. Diplomats are usually involved in the UN, her dad was the Somalian diplomat to Saudi Arabia.

When they married in Florence, they had two different wedding ceremonies, you know why don't you? One of the ceremonies was in a Church, the other ceremony was private.

Proverbs 7, tells us that he did have a choice. 'Say to wisdom you are my sister, and say to insight you are my relative'. He was given that opportunity, because wisdom with insight is mentioned in Rev 13, and prior to Obama being elected, Americans were warned about what was coming in 2008. The prophecy also predicted what would happen to Obama supporters.

Why could he have called wisdom his sister? He was English, a Londoner, and from the south, born on the land of Joseph, and David is a biblical name, David means beloved. 'The one who makes people holy, and those that are made holy are of the same family'.

Around 2004, Lou Reed's management in New York contacted me about his meditation album, they were looking for representation in the UK and the rest of Europe. Lou Reed and David were close friends.

2004 was the year that David had his first 'heart attack', it was also the year of the harmonic concordance when the elect were called by the angels internationally to celebrate it globally.

Interesting that wisdom was sent to Florence for that event, Florence in Italy, that he loved. It was in 2004, that there was the first Venus transit of the Sun and David was a Capricorn, born in the Chinese Year of the Fire Dog. In David's song he sings, 'Can't', and Obama's election slogan was 'Yes we can'.

Now to conclude, Iman's most recent tweet was, 'The struggle is real, but so is God' and Israel means, 'struggle with god'. The most influential spiritual text on it, is the Hindu Gita, otherwise known as the Song of Songs.

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