
Thursday 14 January 2016

Car Crashes Healing

Following on from the blond girl dream, and afterwards being given the words RED OAK, that is the name of an Australian flower essence remedy. 

A dad asked on-line for natural remedies for his daughter. After questioning her case history, he shared that his daughter had been involved in a car crash and was feeling that the world was against her and out to get her. 

Being involved in a serious car crash, can bring forth all kinds of emotions and feelings that are different and that relate to what happened. It impacts upon how a person feels responsible for what happened, even if another person was responsible for what happened. However, experiencing a car crash, and being involved in a serious 'accident' impacts multi-dimensionally. From physical 'stress' and 'tension' held in the body with its memories in the cells. Scientifically, 'stress' and trauma' can also change DNA.

However, it impacts on more than just the thought patterns, feelings and physical body, in serious cases, not all of the soul consciousness gets back into the body. So a person can act differently then they did previously. They can experience anxiety, panic attacks, post trauma and other energy outcomes, because the body has been impacted upon in an energetic way, and ultimately, the body is energy. As such, the healing process as to be energetically.

Also in the nature of car crashes we also have sound involved, and it has been proven that loud noises that are involved in car crashes can also change DNA. 

Immediately that a person as been in a car crash, they should take rescue remedy as soon as possible. In this case, I have recommended the RED OAK, that Jesus gave, and it is exquisite to look at, a power colour with Christ energy. The Australian remedy should be taken three times a day, for eight weeks by the 30 year old woman that was in the car crash. 

In addition, deep tissue aromatherapy massages should be given with Reiki healing asap after such a life experience.

I recommend Lavender and Geranium as that was also given divinely for a person that required assimilation after operative procedure. Those two oils together can be put in almond or other massage oil, the young woman can also bath in the oils. These oils will help her to relax into her healing process.

After engaging with the physical massages, (at least once a week for a month, then every other week for a month) and taking the flower essences remedies, after a period of time, after three months her case can be reviewed. As it maybe necessary and essential for her to have some additional soul work done with a therapist that specialises in a soul retrieval therapy that is local to her. 

There aren't many soul retrieval therapists around like myself - that have done retrieval sessions with people that have been involved in car crashes. When I was working as a therapist, some people did fly in from other countries in Europe to receive the healing session that they required. 

It can take up to 2-3 hours for the work to be carried out. So when selecting a therapist to work with, make sure that they have plenty of experience of working with different clients, and health conditions, with different therapies, the more experience the better for the client - experience counts. 

If you would like recommendations on your health conditions, then please get in touch. Its teamwork, working together to resolve it to your satisfaction. I stopped working as a professional therapist and being a teacher of healing therapies due to my work changing in 2006. That was when the mission with Israel came to be, followed by America. However, I still have a huge amount of experience, wisdom and insights to offer those that like to hear from the voice of life experience.

It is crucial that these conditions are healed when it happens, because they can accumulate in life; and impact upon you years later - and then it can become a disablement that can stop you from doing physical work and being independent. This kind of help is not available on the NHS, or within the medical profession, even though the holistic team are as essential as life itself.

As the heavenly Father said, 'Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim'. 

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