
Thursday 7 January 2016

Self-Employment Youth

I just got taken to the sheepdog and temple dog dream that I received in February, in 2015.

Its been interesting the developments in my life, and the lives of friends since that time, and in that post I mentioned the youth. I can also view it in the larger reality of what has been happening nationally with the youth in the UK, and the developments with the youth supporting Jeremy Corbyn, the uprising of UKIP and PEGIDA.

Remember this starting your own business requires a lot of expert experience. It isn't something that you just decide to do, it has to be properly thought through, your reasons, your motivations, your intentions.

Your business also has to be properly funded with cashflow to see you through, will you start a business in debt or credit?

It requires money and expertise to start your business and make a success of it. It requires professional marketing, PR and design - plus the huge investment in human resources. 50% of the gross profit from my businesses was ploughed straight back into the businesses, because when you are in business, you are constantly looking for new business, to grow your business. You can't sit back on your laurels when you work for yourself - you have full responsibility for the success of your business and those that you serve.

However, it is also very important to appreciate that outside influences can also impact upon your success - and hinder you at every turn. Especially, in markets when and where men have ruled the roost in business, it tends to be a club, and in different niche markets people usually know who is operating in those markets.

Being self-employed and or owning your own businesses is not always what its cracked up to be, it can be very hard work indeed, plus very long hours that can often include your weekends. The highs can be exceptional, and the lows are in the depths where most angels wouldn't dare to go, business in this economic climate of the politicians is actually leading children into Roman 'purgatory'. It is viewed by the Vatican as the final purification. Or you could view it as the old English sheepdog puppy jumping into the sink as it was shown to us in the dream in February 2015.

Having owned businesses and been a consultant to other businesses from multi-nationals to start-ups, its a buzz; but, and its a very big but, I had a huge amount of work experience in London, behind me prior to starting my own businesses. Its a huge amount of responsibility, especially if you have staff and salaries to pay for, the rewards can be great but at what cost to yourself, your health, and your families?

Now Cameron is asking for people to fill in quarterly tax returns, so that they get your money quicker. That is a clear sign that Cameron as never owned his own business - for if he did he would know that some companies don't pay their bills for 90 days, and some even more than that.

What Cameron is asking for will have a huge impact on cashflow, and hinder small businesses ability to serve their clients and grow their businesses.

I am concerned about the direction things are going in for the youth of the UK, very concerned about it due to the unemployment of the youth, and how Cameron is trying to motivate disabled people to run their own businesses; because I have seen what business can do to people. Industry can be a minefield for young people, so if your intention is to go into it, you better make sure that you are equipped physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

You have to be in peak professional fitness to navigate your life through it and what it can create. Forget safety and security, in the 'boom and bust' economics, there is none in owning your own small to medium sized business, so you better find the safety and security within yourselves; and make sure that you are fully prepared as you can possibly be.

Ask yourselves do you have the wisdom of extensive experience and the insights to keep yourselves afloat? How would you get through a recession, remember this - what you do for a living also impacts on your relationships, friendships, and heart, if you put your heart and soul into your talents and invest your life savings into it - what outcome do you anticipate? Did you think it through?

Its not just industry either, look at the farmers in the UK, some of the farmers are saying that it will take them at least five years to recover from what has happened to the land due to the rain. Historically, we also know from the geologists that some cultures came to an end due to the fact that it didn't rain for 200 years. Another reason why Israel developed a machine that could transform sea water, for the planet as plenty of sea water to transform - if and when required.

So if you are going to be a professional farmer, make sure that you are in a country that offers you the most for the least environmentally, because in the UK, its not just about the environment that is impacting upon it, and the weather. Its the combination of agricultural policy, the EU, the corporations impact on you and your businesses.

Another reason why I support UKIP and for the UK to leave the EU. We are united in our hearts with other European countries, we don't require the EU parliament getting involved in our lives, this timeline is about devolution, energising people to innovate change. Its emotive social evolution, and taking your power back. For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

When I was breastfeeding my baby in my arms in the maternity ward,

the Sister and some midwives surrounded me in their gladness,
and she said these words.

'A baby is only as good as its mother'

Blessings in abundance and love beyond measure.

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