
Thursday 7 January 2016

House Building Penalties

So what else is Cameron up to? Now they would like to charge what they call 'slow housing developers penalties' says the Local Government Association. They're saying that builders should pay full council tax on homes prior to their completion.

I think we should send them all to work on a building site for a year, Cameron and his cabinet and see how they like it.

They also say that 'councils should be given a leading role to tackle our growing construction skills shortage, which the industry says is one of the greatest barriers to building'.

So due to council involvement and council taxes that London take most of; this is about devolution and how local people would like to move forward with it.

1. They don't build ecological, self-sustainable homes as they are meant to do.

2. They didn't provide college training courses to the youth that wished to learn eco-living, ecological construction and building. Basically, Tony Blair didn't provide the children with new teachers of new construction, and nor did the house builders hire ecological, self-sutainable builders and architects. Brown carried on where Blair left off, and Cameron carried on after that. There has been no change in building policy to meet the energy reductions that were agreed internationally.


3. The construction companies hired foreign labour instead of providing apprenticeships for the youth from the UK. People that work in the construction industry share with me that there are plenty of trained people, but their jobs have been given to people from abroad. So what Cameron's people are saying, simply doesn't stack up.

4. In Africa women are building their own houses, I don't think that the LGA would like that in the UK.

As the Architect Michael said, the requirement is:

Shelter, sanitation and water.

The scrolls predicted that the Angelic Architects would come and they surely did.


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