
Sunday 17 January 2016

Romans Will Come

As I was waking up I received the message 'The Romans will come', I then pondered on all the wonderful times that I have shared with Italians during my lifetime. Especially, the Italians in Italy during the Rev 12 timeline. My sense is that this is a karmic situation, and that it won't be like it was in ancient times. This is different, they remember how different it has been and the sheer importance of it. So much of the UK has a roman history, there was so much influence upon the culture in ancient times.

Then when I looked at the news, Pope Francis is in the news greeting migrants. Maybe that is why they will come, knowing the Italians as I do, I don't think they will give their country to Islamic migrants. Many Italians haven't forgotten what happened in WW2 and how Islam was involved in it. Biblical prophecy predicts that judgement is upon those within the church. For what does the church have to do with the spirituality of the Son and the spiritual path of mashiach?

In the video of David Bowie he was holding up what looks like a bible, and upon it was the 'black star'. Obama was quite a celebrity wasn't he, the man in Rev 13. Obama and the liberals that supported him no matter what he did, whereby the truly spiritual in the know - knew in their hearts what he was and from whence he came. This paint was spread prior to the latest pope being elected and the colour was spread for the Amazon in South America. It reminded me of the work of Picasso.


Original artwork is A4 in size. 

Funny that the Egyptian women told Obama to 'shut up Obama', Egypt also has knowing of the Greco-Roman period in their country, Egypt fully aware of the occupation by the Romans, as some of their historical monuments remind them of it. Did you know that the Greeks were the first bankers in Egypt? I have a sense that Italy and the Italians will have to give back what it took by force.

Italy always in my heart, love shared beyond words. The most ecological country in Europe, their farmers of integrity.


Condolences to the Italians in America, for Celine, and her children. Money could never buy happiness, real love and life. Sometimes people have to experience a bereavement to comprehend the importance of life purpose. To bring people back to themselves, and what is true in their hearts and souls. For how can you be true to God unless you are true to your life purpose and reason for being?

At least Celine can review all the love that she did enjoy with her husband and brother, some have not been so fortunate. That's what I used to remind my bereaved mother, she was blessed to have so many wonderful years with dad.

Blessed are those that mourn for they shall be comforted, just as I comforted my mum. I gave my everything to a mum that gave me green plants, and she gave me everything that she could as I also gifted her with green plants during my life. Green and healthy, fresh and alive, she loved her garden. Amazing that the gifting of the green plants is mentioned in the book of Genesis, a gift of new life and energy.

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