
Sunday 17 January 2016


Prophecy provides information on the liver and it mentions the piercing of the liver in Proverbs 7. It is particularly relevant as David married a Somalian and they do like their piercings. Not only is she Somalian but Islamic too. When teaching people how to heal - I often warned students about their piercings due to them often being on the meridians. When people had piercings other students could feel the energetic blockages in their body on the meridian lines.

The liver meridian is described as a yin meridian and as you can see its on the right side. Interesting that the gospels spoke of Jesus being pierced in his side when he was on the cross. Did the Church try to make the story about Jesus fit the prophecy of Proverbs 7 about the Son? Is that why the early church said and wrote what they did about Magdalene? In the 'black star' video David put a 'black star' on the ancient book that looks like a bible.

Jesus gave prophecies about the last days of the end times, and he gave a prophecy that wisdom would come to do the count on the man in Rev 13 e.g Obama. The Leopard mentioned in the book of Daniel and Rev 13. It is written that in ancient days, some Jewish priests thought that Jesus was the Leopard. However, those in the know, know that it was an end times prophecy, and Americans sure know about the Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam in America.

Wisdom mentioned in Proverbs 7, with understanding, the kinswoman that David was asked to embrace. He also sung a song about running home to England's evergreens and in the book of Genesis it mentions the green plants. Does it remind you of the green pastures?

The right side of the body is about spiritual life and action. How could his spiritual life and action be impacted upon? By marrying a Somalian Muslim woman, cross pressures, under pressure. He made his bed he had to lay in it, and stay in New York. Apparently, he was in New York with his wife and baby when 9/11 happened, and he had his first heart attack in 2004.

The year of the harmonic concordance when the angels called the spiritually elect for the global celebration of an event that hadn't happened for 3,500 years, nor would it happen again for another 3,500 years.

Look at that root and waist, waist of root, lymph nodes. His roots were in England, and he never forgot his roots. What else impacts on the liver? The adrenals. The liver is also the seat of primitive emotion and it can be felt in the knees. I do think that David was a soldier of love, although the biblical name David always brings pressure in relationships due to the choices that David made, and it does relate to the woman that he married. David was her third marriage, when you look at them together they looked very happy and in true love. Although the prophecy in Proverbs 7 indicates that his love life changed after his liver was pierced.

The waist line is also about the power centre, linking into the sacral and root, its all in the lower part of the body with the liver. Although the feet impact on the energetic systems in the body.

Who wasn't cross about 9/11, or the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales, or the senseless murder of his friend John Lennon, and the realisation and revelation of his brothers suicide. Bereavement came young for David, when his dad passed over, history repeats itself for his daughter.

However, that is inevitable if you have children relatively late in life, children are bereaved at a young age and his greatest concern was for his beloved daughter that he adored. It was lovely that he was able to bring his daughter to England and take her sightseeing without anyone recognising him.

The freedom of the blue bird and the peace to roam around.


As I have shared with people before, when you have a serious health condition, you have to put 100% of your positive energy into resolving it. You have to put 100% of your care into yourself, and carefully, for that is what the body is calling for in such situations. I appreciate that people like to take their minds off what their experiencing, and that often means people throwing themselves into their work.

There are times in your life when healing is intense and people require intense healing in community together. Keeping it all private, I appreciate. However, how could he receive the appropriate help to live unless he asked for it? Did he feel worthy to ask, did he ask anonymously on-line? He clearly mustered all the energy that he could to master it, alas, it had already mastered him. For as Jesus said, you cannot have two masters, and you can view that in different ways. The choice of Jesus was wisdom.

With David being a Capricorn and born in the year of the Fire Dog, it made him quite a force of power. All that power inside of him, all that fire, all that passion, although they tend to make their biggest breakthroughs after the age of 50. The goat doesn't go straight up the mountain, it goes up side to side, ready, steady, go, so am not surprised that the side was involved in his health condition of the liver.

It was his vulnerability and vulnerable side of his life, that he often locked horns over. It makes you wonder what medication he was taking that was impacting upon his liver after his first heart alert.

His wife described him as a peaceful English gentlemen. However, watch out for the quiet, shy ones, because they can be seething inside - and its hard to see until its over and they leave. With his moon in Leo, he loved the highs of the drama, although, the moon really impacted upon his 'inner child' because Leo's have deep 'insecurities' - and in the moon that would've impacted on his emotive responses to what was going on in his life.

David's Aquarian ascendent would've given him more harmony in his life after the age of 40 when the ascendent sign can really be felt in your life. His soul journey was a teacher to humanity - and that was what his incarnation was all about, David the teacher - the culture star, that even in his passing he still had something to teach - and in that you can see the musical and review his repertoire that spanned many decades. 26 albums, 111 singles, and 52 music videos.

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