
Saturday 9 January 2016


On the 28th of November, 2015, the message given on waking was, 'They will become lovers'. 

I then went back to sleep and was taken into dreamtime, into a supermarket and I saw a woman that I knew, she saw me, and I went to lift my right arm to wave at her and it wouldn't move. She was wearing a black and white dress, and she turned her back and just walked off into the direction of the wine in the store. 

At this point in the news, there is talk of a 'Sugar Tax', and also guidelines on people only having seven glasses of wine or beer in a week. Cameron and his team are coming up with all sorts of ideas to increase taxes. 

As far as wine is concerned, sometimes I might have one bottle of wine in a week, some weeks I have none for weeks. Other times like holiday time, I might have 2-3 bottles in a week. 

I do embrace and support moderation - and do my utmost to keep a balance within my budget. It does seem to be the case that the older people get, the more impact drink has on their health. Clearly, that is because for many people, the older they get, the more wear and tear on their bodies, nature, nurture and environment. 

As we know, drink is not the only thing that can impact on the body, I don't think taxing sugar and alcohol is the solution, because in every health condition you have to go to the source of it. Also people are entitled to eat and drink what they like, it is a choice and about freedom of choice. If people wish to drink themselves to death, then that is their choice, especially when people are intelligent enough to know the cost of their actions. Ultimately, some people would like to die drinking, and who is Cameron to tell them that they can't? 

In biblical prophecies the right arm is important - as it is the right arm of God. Also in prophecy we have the wave offerings, and those wave offerings are for some and not others. The day prior to the dream it was 'Black Friday', and the English did not support the American promotion of mass shopping on it, although on-line shopping was popular. 

Apparently, people in the UK, are the biggest shoppers on-line. The dream was in a supermarket, so you can anticipate a lot going on with the supermarkets in this timeline, some people just love to shop. For some people it is the only freedom that they have in their lives -  shopping. 

In dream interpretation to dream of shopping or being in a shopping reality, can indicate financial issues that can be overcome with the implementation of self-restraint, discipline. I am very disciplined financially, I have to be.

I don't pick up my right arm very much to buy anything, but if I do, it is for health reasons due to the power of healing foods. Only goodness and mercy shall follow me for all the days of my life and - my son stays in the sight of wisdom - because he knows that he prospers and blossoms in it. For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. 


'It was not their sword that they won the land, nor did their arm bring them victory; it was your right hand, your arm, and the light of your face, for you loved them'. Psalm 44:3 'Your arm is endowed with power, your hand is strong, your right hand exalted'. Psalm 89:13. 'Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvellous things, his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him'. Psalm 98:1. Teshuah and much love to little Israel in these difficult financial times. 

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