
Saturday 9 January 2016

MAN Fashion Week

On the 3rd of January, the 'Blonde Girl' dream was posted and it included some weird and very flamboyant people at a party.

So when I saw the Daily Mail article, 'Would your man wear this?' and looked at what is going on at London Fashion Week, it reminded me of the dream of the party. Its a joint initiative between Topman and Fashion East.

Fashion as always included the outrageous and flamboyant on the stage. However, the models at the party in London, look totally 'underfed and undernourished.' They certainly don't look Top man.

As far as the 'Darth Vader helmet' and 'sleeping bag', I seriously don't think that will be a unisex burka. Although you could include a gas mask and make it more appropriate. Especially as methane gas is leaking all over the place in America.

I liked the velvet I would wear that. However, my son wouldn't wear it.

So was it a success, maybe the models had fun looking 'emancipated', but I don't think those models will get many jobs. However, the Muslim woman seemed to like the new sleeping bag burka, she took a photograph of it. Some of the buyers look Jewish, they clearly were not impressed with the fashion show for MAN. In fact, they look seriously 'embarrassed' at having to sit through it, just look at their faces in the photographs.

So you might wonder why I am posting this, first because it indicates a timing aligned with the dream. Secondly, it aligns with a message from the heavenly Father when he said, 'Designer clothes will not save you'. That message was posted years ago on what is now the archive blog.

It did entertain some of us that found the funny side of it, although we are aware of the more serious impact.


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