
Friday 22 January 2016


Today the heavenly Father spoke he said 'Maadi'. Words have many meanings in different languages, its shabbat today. and there is a Maadi synagogue in Cairo, Egypt. In Arabic it is el-Ma'adi'.

Green and modern.

Then he said, 'PRECEPT'.


A prophetic painting of the Amazon, the colour was spread prior to the election of the current pope in Rome.

In this documentary about the COPT's in Egypt, it shared that once upon a time - the Copts held 50% of the wealth in Egypt. There used to be an equal balance. Yet, they have been stripped of their wealth, and there are Copt children in orphanages with no financial assistance from the government. When the Copts held 50% of the wealth, did they give enough to help the poor? Did they support those that were worthy to be supported to heal their people? The cultural genocide of the Copts clearly happened due to their wealth and what they chose to do with it.

A video from Graham Hancock is being shared. Graham Hancock that was saved by the divine feminine when he could embrace it fully. The Copt Egyptologists know that Queen Mut was divine mother of Egypt, although many Copts worshipped Mary as the documentary above conveys. The divine feminine can manifest in many different ways to save a soul, for the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

My response to the art from experience of it, is that art is primarily for healing, although it can also be prophetic. As well as for recording events pre and post actuality. So for instance Carl Jung was compelled to paint expressively, expressing what was going on with him in his space and timeline after WW2; due to the impact of the trauma of it, on his consciousness.

Interesting that this painting is called 'Purgatory' and the woman as the dark cloud under her feet, while the men and women below are in the fire. A beautiful archangel is pointing at the way up, and how the way up is with the mother and child.

And if we have the eyes to see it, we can also see it in Shakespeare, and in the creative writing works of Charles Dickens. We can see it in the works of many Christian writers and poets. Nostradamus also provided prophetic drawings, and the Buddhists on the Maldives left drawings to show what happened to their people that were 'traumatised' by Islam.

A healing meditation of the heart and its front cover, artwork commissioned by yours truly. A blessing indeed to those that received it. One of the healers said that it would make a wonderful poster. Ever read the book about the Buddhist healers in Egypt? 

Some have written that Jesus grew up with the Buddhist healers, the origins of the Christians. Joseph was certainly honoured by the Egyptians for his dream interpretation and as we know, his offer to save them from the famine was accepted and in return for the little he did, he was given much because Joseph was found to be worthy, and lived in integrity. He even forgave his brothers for what they had done to him. 

On the Maldives they had many Buddhist Queens, but it was a Buddhist King that sold out his people to Islam. The only thing that kept the indigenous Buddhists going was the beauty of their Islands, and their strong spiritual connection to India.

Yours truly in Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia. 

We know that many cultures went through similar circumstances in the history of the cultures, many were pre-warned, many were given visions and divine guidance, every time a culture was in difficulty, help was indeed given. Although just like modern day, who listened, and who did what was required of them in supporting those that were worthy to be supported? Another reason why past life healing work, and healing meditations of the heart, is so very important to help liberate the love.

For the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.



  1. Interesting that in ancient Hebrew, 'Maadana' means the Kings Daughter'.

  2. Port closure of Calais due to more migrants boarding a P&O Ferry to UK. UK calls for France to send in the French army.

  3. Now COWES is on fire.

    Explosions reported and residents evacuated after fire erupts at marina workshop containing flammable gas and 50 fibreglass boats.

    MEDINA Village
