
Friday 22 January 2016

Capitalists -v- Socialists

If the capitalists had allowed Jesus to live in his socialist lifestyle realities like the Hebrews had always lived originally. The Romans wouldn't have killed 100,000 people that lived in Jerusalem.

But the capitalists did not wish for the Jesus socialist realities to prosper on the back of the capitalists because they prefer that the capitalists live off the backs of the poor.

Jesus had the solution whereby both could live alongside each other harmoniously. The worthy rich are honoured when they sponsor the worthy poor and in so doing, everyone is happy and blessed.

Because the spiritual can help to heal the poor to raise them up. Of course that does mean that more people live happily together peacefully.

Native American, Russell Means Mandala 

When Christian socialists were trying to get working rights for men and women, and when they worked hard to stop children working down the mines, and up the chimneys, the capitalists expelled them from their home of birth in England and sent them abroad to Australia. 

We all know about what happened to Oliver, and his mother. We all know about the workhouses that the capitalists were responsible for and how they used the church has their vehicle. We all know about the laundries, where women were sent and their children taken away from them. What's changed? They're now saying that if a person doesn't give a child enough hugs, they will take their children away from them. How about the hugs for the parents? For it is not a one way street. We all know what the church did to the Native Americans.

Mandala for an American Stock-Broker 

And just as Jesus was pursued by the authorities of his time, Diana was also pursued because she had the pulling power to fund raise from anyone that was worthy in rich Islamic countries. So they took her out. The heart surgeon, living in England, Dr Khan said that if Diana had stayed alive, the heart hospital would've been built ten years earlier - a hospital to give free heart treatment to Pakistani's.

What did Obama do? As the LORD spoke of it, prior to it. Obama bombed the innocent in Pakistan 4 days into his presidency, yet they gave him the nobel peace prize. What did they give to Diana? 

What would St Francis have become? He had wealthy followers that joined him, compelled to help the poor in Italy. St Francis of Assisi, had been given a mighty appearance and vision, he too came from a wealthy family like Diana, yet he left it to do God's will.

Brilliant how he stood up to the authority of the pope in Rome. I'd liked to know what Diana said in Buckingham Palace behind closed doors, for surely, and truly, she did stand up to them, and refused to go quietly.  Integrity of the heart. Big smiles.

Americans talk about independence, independence is brilliant when you are young and healthy. However, some people have children or parents that are dependent upon them for help due to their health. 

Native American, Russell Means understood that reality more so towards the end of his life time, he discovered that at the end of the day, he was dependent on the feminine, the love and healing that it bestows. He made an excellent point of how men come into this life from the womb of a woman into a nappy, and if he is lucky, if he is fortunate enough, blessed enough, he goes out of it in the arms of a woman that changes his nappy for him.

His parting gift was to exalt the feminine, and the love of the feminine to nurture, to carefully, for the masculine when required. Remember this that even independence can be stripped away from you at anytime, to make sure that you appreciate the importance of dependence. Ultimately, living 
charitably, compassionately and mercifully is beyond politics, it is of the heart of integrity. 

My gran and aunt were dependent upon my mother when she was a young woman. As such, my mother made sure that she was never dependent upon her daughter. Sadly, we've seen enough evidence to see that some women choose to take their her own life instead, as some women don't wish to be dependent on anyone. That is now happening due to women having had their pensions taken away, because they cannot afford to live.

Is that what modern society of the materialist's as co-created, a generation of women that would rather die independently, than be taken care of? Its a serious choice in life isn't it - with huge consequences.

I honour the choices of people and how they choose to leave the planet. Although humanity should do everything possible to help. Otherwise how can you call yourselves humane?

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