
Monday 25 January 2016

Internet Dream

Its not the first time that I've had an internet dream, and the internet dreams usually include people from a forum in the social network on-line. In the dream two American female members were discussing a male member in front of me. They were talking about dating - and they spoke of the name of a person that he was dating at the end of the dream.

If I remember correctly, the name given in the dream sounded like Clara and it is a Latin name, it means, 'clear', 'bright', 'famous'. Its the name of an Italian saint, and it comes from the word 'Clarus'.

We also find the word 'Clara' connected to the internet, CLARA is the name of a Latin American Academic Computer Network Organisation. Clara net is also the name of a European ISP. Its headquarters are in London and it is written that in 2012 it acquired Star Technology.

When I woke up I had a sharp pain in my right arm, where the vein is - where the nurse puts the needle in to get a blood test. So I gave myself hands on healing on the right arm. Then I was wondering what could have caused that, the tissues still remember the pain of the numerous blood tests - and the pain held in the tissues of my right arm is surfacing. The right arm also links into another dream that included when my right arm wouldn't move to wave at a woman.

In dream interpretation if you were listening to 'gossip' about others, it can indicate 'disagreements over property' and 'domestic quarrels.'

'Disagreements and quarrels', can certainly manifest on the internet between people, although as we know, it can also happen in any community when two women get together. If that is what they like to do, biblically people are warned about it.

As I write this I am being divinely guided to say that it means to 'go higher'.  

Jesus says 'Go Higher' and there is a song with that title.

While making a hot drink, a coffee, he spoke again, and he said, 'Its a drain on your resources'. 

'For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies'. Psalm 108:4 and Ezekiel 31:4-6. 

The verse of today is as follows: 'Finally brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy. Think about such things'. Philippians 4:8

Sometimes you have to go to where people are to reach out to souls to offer help, but that doesn't mean that you have to be like those people or do what those people do. When you listen to others, be alert in respect of what you are engaging in.

In my experience the more that people heal, the more that souls are purified, in the purification - people arise. In it there is a transformation of morality - and things that you might have done before, you don't do afterwards.

In the dream I wasn't with those American women, I was just overseeing what was going on. The overseer, and seeing remotely in the dream what was happening. To be given a specific name in dream state - the meaning depends on the circumstances - and it is often the case that it is to do with the personal side of life. 

Its no coincidence that I have a connection with the name Clara, and when I was in touch with a person connected with that name, they were living in Spain when I was helping the woman. After the help was given, the English woman returned to the UK. Then today there is news that there has been an earthquake in Spain. Some news on that.

1 comment:

  1. Now COWES is on fire.

    Explosions reported and residents evacuated after fire erupts at marina workshop containing flammable gas and 50 fibreglass boats.

    MEDINA Village
