
Sunday 24 January 2016

Bereaved Children

Having seen the media frenzy of the funeral of the business manager and husband of Celine Dion where she paraded her two four olds in front of the world media. It does remind us of the other famous funeral and how Jackie Kennedy did the same to her very young children. 

Do Americans have any comprehension of the impact of that on the consciousness of four year olds? Do they understand the impact - how when that is embedded in their consciousness, how that impacts on their relationships and careers later in life? Do they know how that energy manifests? 

Do they know what their memories will retain and how it is retained? Do they know the impact of it on their physical health, immune systems, their psyche, their psychology, and their spiritual being? 

Should small children of that age be taken to a funeral - as an adult would go? No. Should small children be taken to a mortuary? No. Its incredibly important that children are allowed to stay in the joy of life, to stay in the love, as much as possible. Of course when they're old enough to comprehend; information on life after death can be imparted to young people as it was to myself by my mother.

The first passing that a child usually experiences is the passing of their first pet. Another reason why children having pets is important for their growth. It helps children when they have a dog to take care of, to give and receive their unconditional love. When a pet passes over, people don't take their children to the vet to see it do they? Children don't go to the vet to see a pet to be put down either. So what's the difference? 

The 'grief' and bereavement of a family member is far greater, and as such it goes far deeper. From experience we know that it is normal for people to grieve differently, and it is often the case, that those that are bereaved will strike out at those that they love the most, those closest to them. Because 'grief' can do that, it can trigger a person for healing what they must heal and the healing process can be extensive and on many different levels of consciousness. It can trigger past life memories and a lot more, it is incredibly important that people put the health of children first.

Children do live what they learn, and as they are ready to comprehend more, more can be explained to children, gently, tenderly, sensitively. With the Spirit of grace - children can move gracefully through it when they're old enough to do so. Embraced in love beyond measure, and compassionate action. 

Children are flexible and adaptable, they can flow with understanding - and they can be very supportive of each other and what they're going through. We know that there is life after death, it has been scientifically proven - so tell the children the truth - when they're old enough to think about it in a philosophical and loving way. 

'Grief' is real, and it is more than a passing that creates it, in life they may experience it in their relationships due to parting, in friendships, family, in marriages due to divorces, and even in business or the work environment. 

'Death' of life can come in many different ways, endings and new beginnings. Yet, in grace, love, and healing in peacefulness there is the victory to overcome the eventualities that can manifest due to a person's grief. If the healing isn't done when a person is ready to heal, then what happens can bring further devastation for the families health. 

So it is essential that the matter is addressed in a way that is appropriate for children and people. It is often the case, that I don't agree with the so-called health professionals that are OK with children going inside a mortuary, or standing in front of a coffin, or a graveside. 

This mother of life doesn't agree with Celine Dion dressing four years old in mourning clothes, because we know scientifically what the colour black does to the consciousness of the body, if worn for any length of time. The Russian scientists did some excellent work on that. I like the way that the Indians wear white, and Jesus predicted that we would come wearing white. And so we did, I wore a white dress to the funeral of my mother, a dress she gifted me with. 

It would seem that Celine Dion and people like her have more interest in singing songs in Las Vegas - than they do in learning about the scientific evidence that impacts on the reality of the health of her children and their consciousness. Nature, nurture and environment. American celebrities and their children, another photo opportunity. While they live as multi-millionaires, we can see what is happening to their children and its nation. 

Its particularly relevant in a timeline when the Englishmen David Bowie went so privately and gracefully in comparison. Although prior to his passing he did make it clear that he was very concerned for his daughter. David understood the sheer impact of 'grief' on the consciousness of his life - and he provided the greatest protection he could for his wife, daughter and rest of his family.

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