
Wednesday 27 January 2016


Following on from the latest news on alzheimer's let's follow up with the ghee conspiracy.

In March 2015 the honey conspiracy unfolded before me and it came to light that people are eating GHEE that comes from Buffalo milk. Honey and ghee are the two most widely used foods in the diet of people in the West. This started with a message from Jesus when he spoke of 'sanskrit' and then showed me a vision of what looked like some buttered swede. Our local indian restaurant also does a squash veggie dish and Indians usually cook in ghee. In the supermarkets in the UK, people can buy processed pre-cooked buttered swede. Makes you wonder how much ghee is in that!

However, I dug deeper into the butter and there was an article published about cricket and in 2014, Hashem said, 'Its just not cricket' and that uncovered an 8 year Indian plan that had been agreed with the Australians, for India, Australia and the UK.

Also David Cameron unveiled the Ghandi statue in parliament square, that cost a million pounds. I'm sure I know what Ghandi would have to say about that expenditure, when there are 4 million Brits eating from food banks in the UK.

Ghee is a clarified butter, and this conspiracy doesn't apply to all honey, and other processed foods do  have ghee in it. Peanut butter ring a bell? The fact is that the medical scientists report that 'ghee' and 'honey' are the foods most used in what people are eating. So think about everything - everything that you buy in a carton, bottle or tin! What is really in it?

If you look in your cupboard you will see on the labels and all of the tins mention 'fats' and 'saturates'. However, the tins don't say what saturates they are. So for instance in a jar of 340g of peanut butter it has 17% fat, and 11% saturates, it doesn't say what they are. I also found another study on the Ghee from Science Direct. The reason why food manufacturing companies put ghee into processed foods, is because it gives it a longer shelf life.

What do the prophecies say? Prophet Isaiah said, 'He will be eating curds and honey when he knows enough to reject the wrong and choose the right'. Isaiah 7:15 I do like lemon curd, I suppose they put ghee in that as well, as it is in most processed foods that are in containers.

Dr Barkat Charania also wrote a paper called 'sad story of trans fats and vegetable ghee' and its risk to human health.

Are you frying your brain with processed foods? Remember this that the body was made to process food and not eat processed foods, so restricting your food intake of processed foods is a priority and essential to maintain optimum fitness and health.

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