
Wednesday 27 January 2016


Yesterday we were discussing 'Alzheimer's' and the countries that have the highest incidence of it, I could see a commonality in the top ten countries.

1.  Finland
2.  United States
3   Canada
4   Iceland
5   Sweden
6   Switzerland
7   Norway
8   Denmark
9   Netherlands
10 Belguim

Also interesting since a child I never like the 'cold weather', and during my life I've tended to hibernate in the winter, and take holidays to warmer climates in the winter time when I could afford to do so. In fact, after dad passed over mum used to spend the whole of the winter in southern Spain, from November to March. When she stopped going abroad like that, that was when her health began to change, when she was spending winters in England. Its no coincidence that people usually migrate to hotter climates for health reasons. 


Today there is news from the Swedish scientists in the Telegraph. Researchers at Sweden's Karolinska Institute and Upsala University discovered that 'inflammation' occurs in the brain decades prior to the condition showing any other signs. It makes you wonder how much medication those people were taking in their young years that were impacting upon their brains. Its not just about diet and lifestyle although that certainly as to be reviewed. 

In Deuteronomy 28:22 the condition that involves 'inflammation', is indicated as being a plague and the medical profession and its pharmaceutical companies are using it to create even more drugs that will create even more inflammation in the body. Basically, your brains are being fried. I would be seriously interested in looking at the case studies of those that have been diagnosed. 

5. 4 million Americas have been diagnosed with the condition. You know the same country that gives people heart operations when they don't require them so that the doctors get the insurance money. Do you know about the quality of the food and its standards in America? If TTIP is signed in the UK, the American corporations intend to export their food to the UK, it has to be stopped immediately.

The first question is how healthy as your lifestyle been? How physically active were you, are you? What did you eat and drink during your life, how much medication did you intake, and what medication was it? 

This 93 year old looks amazingly fit to me - and still doing do amazing physical and energetic exercise. 

I was asked what are you saying? What I am saying is that energy follows thought, all intention is even more important. As in only goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, for all her paths are peace, a tree of life of wisdom. As the LORD said, 'Your love is as tall as a tree, and as deep as the ocean'.

If your intention is pure in life, in pure intention of the heart of intelligence, so much can be overcome. Numerous times when I was offered medication, I refused it. No, thank you Doc, you shall not fry my brain, they give people pharmaceuticals for anything and everything, instead of offering an holistic approach. If you can live without medication then do so. 

Remember this the medical profession support the pharmaceutical industry, and its not in the best interests of big pharma for people to be free of it. Once they've got you, the pharmaceutical industry don't like to let you go. As it was written in 2007, 'Let my people go'.

Glen Campbell sings a song for his wife Kim and in this video it mentions the power of music for people with the condition. Did the drugs that they give Glen hasten the condition? Most probably. 

What I am saying is that lifestyle as to be looked at, and what people consume. What people do with their minds, bodies and souls during their lives. What shall people choose to give their power to, for the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. Shall people continue to give it to the medics and the corporations? Continue to give their power to those whereby disease as increased hugely in the last 100 years instead of decrease?

85% of all disease can be healed if people are willing to embrace changing the way that they live, their lifestyles. The other 15% is karmic and even some of that can be healed when people embrace healing the memories carried over from past lives. Not only in health, but also in many other realities that impact upon health. Charitable, merciful, compassionate action is the fastest way to break karmic cycles, combined with healing past lives, because we are talking about the consciousness of nations. 

In the healing, peace comes to be in the being, once that peacefulness is attained or you could say reclaimed, then who can take it from you? No matter what your body has to overcome as it ages. With positive overcoming in the healing is the victory. With the encouragement, support and appreciation of self, and your commitment to live as we were meant to live life, in an holistic way that is in harmony with the spiritual law. 

In the peacefulness, the power of love soars, and a new journey begins to take you as far as you can go, potential increases, the symphony of creation comes before you and in being so that you can see it unfolding in your life. As you reflect upon it through the eyes of beauty. For beauty is in the eye of the beholder, the beauty that comes from the intelligence of the heart.

'Alzheimers and Tobacco, a positive?' How about the dream that included a person that invested in the research because he had Alzheimers? 

How much oxygen are you getting to your brains? Are you getting as much as the 93 year old yoga teacher? Do you know how essential oxygen is to your brain? Do you know how essential Vit K is to your brain and the assimilation of Vit C? Do you know in what food you can get your Vit K?

Also if you are living in any of the top ten countries listed, where are you getting your Vit D from in the wintertime? How much time do you spend in the sunshine when the sun is shinning?

Are you receiving hands on healing, are you receiving healing on your head? Did you become a healer so that you could give healing to yourself and your family when required? What choices did you make in your life, for your life and your health and consciousness? 

As you began to age did you include palm oil and pearl barley in your food intake? Did you eat pearl barley during your lives? Do you know the healing power of those foods? Do you know the healing power of the coconut oil, milk and flakes? How much oil did you have?

Did you follow the advice of Jesus and Elijah about having plenty of oil? What healing oils did you have? Did you have hemp oil, rice oil, palm oil, olive oil, coconut oil and fish oils?

Did you have Aromatherapy oils on your body, did you smell the oils? Did your immune system receive the healing oils, did you nurture and love your bodies with the oils that Jesus was given for his body? 

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