
Thursday 21 January 2016


I'm tuning into the DIANA IMPACT on consciousness, the impact of the woman herself, her compassionate action, and mercy. How her love not only swept up her own nation, but the true hearts of other nations.

How appealing her coyness, and vulnerability was - and how giving and charitable she was to those that were vulnerable. As she grew into herself and her uniqueness and what she had to offer as a woman, a mum, and an ambassador for her nation. Her tenacity and courage to overcome her own eating disorder, divorce and bereavement.

However, the very serious impact on consciousness - was the fact that people know that she was murdered, and with that comes a deep coma in an aspect of your being, when such things happen, it can close an aspect of your heart towards those same authorities.

Can people shut out the injustice and do nothing about it? How did people feel when they realised that she had been taken out? I am talking about people that really loved her, like my mother did, one of her hobbies was collecting articles and pictures of her. How did you feel when you heard the news, how did you respond, who was with you, and who held you in their arms as you cried your heart out?

Where were you and who were you with on the day of her funeral, it all had a huge impact.

How many times is that triggered every time that you see 'injustice' in the world, and another beautiful person taken out. It has its greatest impact, depending on how much you loved that person, like a mother loves her own child, and a daughter loves her dad. Its all about the heart, and as such, what happened to Diana, Princess of Wales, Queen of Hearts, has impacted on the heart of millions.

In America, the nearest thing to it would be the assassination of JFK, although he was a president, and that family were always known for being playboys. So the impact is not quite the same as Diana, the innocent. The Diana impact, is huge, and the more that I ponder upon it, the bigger it is. The innocence of love purposefully destroyed by the state although her memory lives on, its not the same.

The injustice meted out upon a person that lived to love. The injustice that you feel when you see injustice in the world, is the Diana in your heart. The heavenly and divine, that cannot shut it or her out of your heart for each time they broke her heart, it reminded those that love of the times that your heart got broke too.

If you have experienced the Diana impact, what you thought of your nation changed, what you thought was justice changed, what you thought was truth changed, for the heart of a nation had been ripped apart - and the nation would never be the same again. When you truly comprehend the Diana impact and how your consciousness as responded to it since, then you have left the coma of it. It is beyond emotion, because even in a coma, the soul and the Spirit is still active.

How did it impact on your friendships, relationships and career? Were you able to trust anyone in authority again?  Were you as innocent as the gentle lamb that was led to her own slaughter? How would you feel if you knew that those that you had loved, had planned for you to die, and warned others of it before it happened? That also reminds me of the Son of Joseph and what they did to him, so its a double whammy in my life.

Sit with it, see where you can feel it in your heart and chest. I can feel it above my bust. Let us work on healing the impact of Diana, and let it not hold us back from being bold and strong - and as courageous as she would like us to be. The independent and assertive Diana, found strength in her own vulnerability, and she wouldn't change anything about her life, for it was not for her to change, it was for others to step up into integrity of the heart and then hearts could connect.

Now I've got a headache and I can feel it at the back of my head and neck - the car crash. It feels like I've been hit on the back of my head. My head ricocheting. I can feel a knife wound in the back, on the right side just above the waistline.

As soon as I saw her splashed all over the newspapers on the boat with Dodi, my soul and its Spirit responded with a huge surge of energy of warning. I knew that her life was in very serious danger.

The heart surgeon that spoke of the 100 could have beens.

In this press report it mentions that amongst her items there was her jacket that was partially cut, and the Butler said that her relationship with Dodi was just a fling. In the report above, Dr Khan (Pakistan) says that he wasn't prepared to put his career aside for a Princess, as he had become an eminent heart surgeon. In the article linked below it mentions how Elizabeth II said that there were 'mysterious powers at work'.

I don't think its a coincidence that I was forbidden to go to Saudi, or meet up with anyone from Saudi when invited to do so.

Some say that Dodi and Diana were looking to buy a place in France, others say they were looking for a place in America and Dodi had talked about having his own film studio in America. He worked on the film Chariots of Fire.

We know there has been a conspiracy against Prince Charles in regards to his promotion of complimentary medicine by a German that became a professor at Exeter. We also know that Diana's charity was infiltrated. Dr Khan said that if Diana had lived, the hospital project to give free heart surgery in Pakistan would've been built ten years earlier.

Whether they had been in relationship or not, Diana would've been involved in the work of the hospital. Diana had a lot of pull in fund-raising, and I can see a motive from rich people within Islam, in stopping her and her work because so many people loved her and her heart.

Israel stills mourns for Diana and as Jesus said, those that mourn are blessed.

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