
Friday 22 January 2016

City of Jerusalem

3rd of January, 2015, I was shown 'Israel, Israel'.

And twice I have received the words 'Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim', said, twice by the heavenly Father. Today, a Christian says that Jerusalem in Israel belongs to Christendom and its church because of Jesus.

I cannot agree with him because the followers of Jesus were told clearly not to build upon his foundations with building materials, and if they did then they would go through the flames of the fire. The Christian text also mentions how judgement is upon those inside the church, not those outside of it. The ancient prophecies predicted that the flame of Joseph would come - and that Jacob is the fire. I wrote to Israeli's and told them if you are my fire, then I am your flame. I do have a fire sign in my ascendent, and people become their ascendent after the age of 40.

No coincidence than that Nostradamus also made a prediction about the Iris, and how the Iris wouldn't be seen for 40 years, and after that it could be seen everyday. Nostradamus was a wonderful Christian healer and mystic from Jewish origin.

He worked with vibrational medicine, and flower essences, he used the Iris flower for healing depression. As such, the mystic was fully aware, that the Iris would have a very important divine purpose in the timeline that was appointed to come to be.

He also knew that the person that would come would work with people who were 'depressed' like he did. Also the symbol of the flower is well known in both France and England. Hence he understood some of the ancestry heritage that would be involved in the life of the person. Its no coincidence that my mother had a French surname, although it can also be found in England. My mother said that her French ancestors came to England due to the French revolution, maybe that's why I don't like the energy of Paris, although mum loved it.

When I first wrote about the hope of the soul and the importance of its light, was decades before I had heard the beautiful national anthem of Israel. How did I come to know about the light of the soul? I experienced it for myself, and in that experience I was able to share and explain it to others.

Israeli's know what must happen to the old city of Jerusalem, they also know that new Jerusalem was predicted to come. For the meaning of Yerushalayim as different realities. Zion defends.

Now know that Israeli's are loved by the highest and many do their utmost to love beyond measure magnanimously. The green plant of peace was given to the spiritual Israeli's in May 2006, they deserved it, for they had worked hard for it during their lifetime in Israel.

Generations of Jewish people have done their utmost to build their own nation, at the same time as doing their utmost to help other nations with their scientific discoveries. The most recent that I viewed was what their ecological farmers had been doing, and I was impressed by their genius and insights shared.

Now as far as New Jerusalem is concerned, the texts share with you that there are no churches ( e.g. 'religious' buildings) in it - and Prophet Isaiah predicted that the city of enlightenment would come to be.

So will the old city in Israel, become the hope of the surrounding nations, will it become a healing city as it is meant to be in Israel? We continue to hope that it will - sooner rather than later, for it is the will of God for the dome to become a healing centre for children in the middle east. A place where children can heal from their 'depression' and 'trauma'. Jerusalem. where the parents can train to become healers in the buildings that surround the dome.

For this is Elijah's journey and to bring pressure to bear so that it can happen in the power of magnanimous love for children. To put children above your own heads, and exalt the children in equality. For the children are the future of your nations, and the more healed the children are, the closer to God's will they can gravitate. For the leaves are for healing the nations.

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah 32:18 My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.

    Isaiah 44:7 Who then is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and lay out before me what has happened since I established my ancient people, and what is yet to come— yes, let them foretell what will come.

    Isaiah 51:4 “Listen to me, my people; hear me, my nation: Instruction will go out from me; my justice will become a light to the nations.

    Isaiah 52:6 Therefore my people will know my name; therefore in that day they will know that it is I who foretold it. Yes, it is I.”
