
Saturday 2 January 2016

Crossed the Moon

Did you cross the moon in style? Some said that they went to the moon, and some said they didn't.

However, there are many moons to cross. As we know the moon is ruled by Mercury and I have the moon under my feet, written in the flesh of the left foot due to a glass that pierced it - in it seven stitches were placed when I was seven years old. We know scientifically that cuts in childhood can change genetics, that can result in allergies and or skin diseases. Such a person is compassionate and merciful to those that have had similar life experiences. How old were you when you first heard this song? "Fly me to the moon?'.

Astrologer, Jonathan Cainer is sharing another reality to do with Mercury the messenger, and he has written about a rare celestial spectacular that will happen at the start of summer - he says that it will have a dramatic impact on everyone's love lives in 2016.

He has given us the date of the 9th May, and its interesting that comes after Labour Day, and it also aligns with my arrival in Israel in 2006. A gathering on the holy hill in Northern Israel, the month of May, an anniversary of wonderful deeds, a celebration of love, life and salvation.

Jonathan wrote this about this celestial event; 'It draws the attention of a watching world and says, 'Never underestimate the potential significance of a tiny detail'. We will feel it in our bones, in our waters, and in our hearts. We will respond to the amazing cosmic challenge being set by a sky overbrimming with symbolism. The cosmos is saying to each of us, in 2106, 'Dare to share what you feel, to say what you mean, to show what you know and reveal what you conceal'.

In numerics May 9th is the 'Day of Courage', so how courageous will you be on that date and this year?

Remember this that the Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline. How strong and bold will you be? How courageous in relationships, as you can see, on May 9 this celestial event will impact upon communications in relationships, and with the people that you love.

This mandala was gifted to a young American after he was given a lovely message that meant so much to him. As you can see in the mandala, he was given the sun and new creation came to be for him. Would you like new creation in your life in 2016? I am always amazed and in awe of divine creation, and how the lives of people change, after this miracle worker as spread the paint. Science says that art heals, the text says that wisdom is proven right by her deeds. 

Will the Mother of Life be delivering the blessings again?


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