
Saturday 2 January 2016

Children -v- Financial Responsibility

A person asked did you have a talk with your children about finances?

When my son was around six years old, grandma told him that money doesn't grow on trees, because she said that, she didn't have any money to spare. So he told her to go to mum's bank, cos mum's bank gives her loads of money. The children that grew up in the era of cards and ATM's, what did they see?

Money coming out of machines if you put a card in. So time for children to comprehend that mum is not a 'machine', cos mum doesn't eat cards, although she does know how to read them without a 'machine'.

The question is why are parents saving up for cars for children, then complain about what the children spend their own money on? He should be saving up for his own car. My mum and dad didn't save up for my car. I paid for my car myself. With my own cash, yea, cash. No credit for any car I ever bought or drove.

When I was growing up, parents would say to parents that save up for cars, 'you are making a rod for your own back'. As in if you save up for their car, you will be giving to the children forever, and its important that they learn financial responsibility, and to stand on their own two feet, to be independent and not rest on their laurels. It makes you wonder if they were aware that Sharia finance and law was being looked into by the banks. The Son of Joseph was very much awake, so he must have known what was being planned.

I saw the same happen with parents that didn't charge their children rent, that mum called 'wages'. When children start work - that is the time to make sure that they pay their way. I gave my parents the full price, and a lot more. After I started work, I even contributed to paying for new infrastructure in the home, that included fitted wardrobes. I didn't lend the money to my parents, I gave it to them willingly, and lovingly, charitably.

I also gave my parents extra money at holiday times of the year, as I knew that their expenses and food costs were higher then. Thoughtful, naturally, as a giver does, and I was always sensitive to the requirements of others.

My parents were appreciated and they knew that they were appreciated. They knew that their daughter loved them, not just in words but in deeds. So did you teach your children appreciation and to respect their elders?

Now as far as what the children spend their money on, children learn what they live. My mum took a third of my pay, a third was saved for me, another third was for her 'wages', and the final third was to pay for me getting to work and to buy clothes etc.

What else did mum teach her daughter? How to be frugal and how to be extravagant. However, her extravagance was spent on clothes that would last decades, classic clothes that didn't date. Furniture that would last a lifetime, so that we didn't have to have a new home every time the fashions changed.

In so doing, her perceived extravagance was actually frugal. Who would've thought that extravagance can be frugal and prudent? If you have managed to wear the same leather boots for 23-24 winters then you can appreciate how cost-effective it can be in the long term.

Granma, Sophia's motto that she passed on, prudence said, 'Waste not, want not'. 

That message is even more important now, when we see that every season, children have their eyes on the next new gadget, to keep step with their peers.

Goodness gracious me, whatever next? In my day, that was called, 'keeping up with the Jones'. When people felt that they had to have whatever everyone else had on a material level, that which boosts consumerism. Hence, the sheer importance of being unique, and not following the materialists and their consumerism.

Its understandable when children go to school - as we know that they like to be like their peers - and feel that they belong. However, that is the time to remind children, that they cannot have everything that they would like to have and the reasons why. Its important that they understand the reasons - and why the reasons are so important.

Remember parents, you cannot replace the power of love with materialism. In the long term children will be thankful, and thank you for not saving up for their new car or gifting your child with a car. Or buying everything that they would like.

My son is frugal most of the time, he knows what it is like to go without when he is away from his mum, he knows what it is like to live without proper food, and only have rice to eat. It was an important learning curve for him to integrate, a reminder to appreciate the giver that had given to him, his mum.

I even gave him my food vouchers for food when he had none, although I required the food myself. Giving someone food, when they have none, is not the same as saving for a car for a child that can afford to save up themselves. How old were your children when they began to earn their own money?

I had three jobs at the age of 13 and worked a six day week, right into my 20's, when my pay increased due to the amount of experience I had. Its expensive to live in London independently, although if you live in central London, a person does not require a car due to the brilliant transport.

Of course children that live in the countryside do require a car, often to get to work. Maybe David Cameron should consider that when he decides to sanction the 'unemployed' that he would like to be in work. How can they look for work without the money to do so?

The jobs in 2015 are fewer than those that require the jobs, 2 to 3 jobs have been going to immigrants, and they wonder why the children of this nation are the most 'stressed' school children in this new millennium. How many food banks are there now Mr Cameron?

What impacts on parents does in turn impact upon children, on their health and consciousness. It has been found that many children are now arriving at school without having had breakfast and many people can only afford to eat one meal a day. Did your child have breakfast every day?

My son appreciates it so much more when he doesn't have to be frugal, as he knows that he has to be frugal in this timeline of the sober decade. Now my son asks me to be more frugal when I get food, that makes me smile. How wonderful life is when he pays for it and shops for it, it makes such a difference. I asked him when will he get me a new 'washing machine', (as I had a washing machine dream) he said, he has to pay for the water. The UK flooded after my 'washing machine' flooded.

I am making a man of him, and one day, I hope that be a wonderful husband and dad.

How financially, emotionally, and spiritually mature are your children? How responsible are they? Remember this some are late developers, but eventually, they get it, because life circumstances makes sure that they do.

In the family of Joseph, all the sons made sure that their mother was financially cared for, each son would visit their mum after they received their weekly pay. They were dutiful to their mum, how that little woman gave birth to all of those sons - is quite incredible.

Son of wisdom has to keep his mum in his sight because that is when he prospers. The Spirit of God gave us power, love and discipline.

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