
Saturday 19 December 2015


The word unfolds with the word 'Alitalia', as it was given this week divinely -  as it is written it is the name of an Italian airline. Alitalia it just rolls off the tongue, I do like the Italian language.

'The word 'Talia' is a feminine given name of Hebrew origin, in respect of the dew, it is also attributed to the word meaning female 'lamb'.' Source link, Wikipedia. The word 'Talia' is also found in the Mishnah, another word that the heavenly Father as spoken.

Psalm 133:3 mentions the dew. 'It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion. For there the LORD bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.

'A kings rage is like the roar of a lion, but his favour is like dew on the grass'.

As we know dew can refresh, it can cleanse, it can can purify, it can keep the environment alive, and so it is that is why the Psalm mentions it in respect of LIFE forevermore. Life as a blessing, the favour that gives life to that which grows in its naturalness, you can see its purity and splendour.

On the 1st of December, 2015, I found myself in the night time, being besieged by a man with fair hair. He was 'disputing' what I was holding in my hands, two ancient books that I had been given to hold, and keep safe. The man kept on 'arguing', although I did my utmost to reason with him. He couldn't be reasoned with. 

Then the man that was bigger than me, tried to put his arms around little me to take the books out of my hands. As soon as he did that, I responded confidently and boldly, 'God will strike you down'.

Instantly, the male energy of that person was gone from my space, and I returned to rest in my peacefulness.  In recent days, I have received a report from another person who is experiencing  similar situations. Be aware, be alert, of what is happening. Be strong, be bold. CHAVAK! 

When I was in sleep state that night, I then had a dream, and in the dream, I was talking to someone about what was going to happen. How it was coming to the cities and towns in the countryside.

Then I said, 'Now we will see who is prepared, and who is not'. 

Then when I was writing about this experience, my web page automatically opened up on this lovely song.

Remember this, ZION defends.

This made me laugh today.

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