
Saturday 19 December 2015

Italy, Russia, America and EU

Following on from the recent 'Alitalia' message.

This video about the sanctions on Russia and how Obama uses sanctions to put pressure on Russia. Italy is demanding a discussion about the economic sanctions.

At the same time there have been some brilliant speeches from Nigel Farage in respect of the EU and its co-creation.

The EU politicians must have known that Putin is a Christian with Armenian blood in his veins. There are many socialists that are Christians in what they embrace. This comes at a time when David Cameron, already knows that he will fight to keep the UK in the EU. No matter what! 

Do you think that Putin is a crack in EU unity? Or is it the fact that the EU parliament would like to make Turkey a member of it? Is that what you would like? Turkey who is 'blackmailing' the EU to give it membership? Check out what this Turkish MP as been up to!

Would you do business with a person that 'blackmailed' you with sanctions, like the British DWP sanction the poorest and most vulnerable in society? Would wisdom do business with David Cameron? I wouldn't touch him or Obama with a barge pole.

Although I have had a few dreams of David Cameron in the past. In one of the dreams he was going to France and then afterwards there was developments with the Euro tunnel. Then there was the dream of him drinking coffee, and he was given some news, and when he received it - he was spitting his coffee out. No coincidence then that Jeremy Corbyn's wife is in the coffee business. Maybe that's what made him spit his coffee out, when he heard that Jeremy had been elected to be leader. 

In another dream this mother of life was being righteous - and telling Cameron off in the pub, and it was the holiday season. So where did he take China recently, into an old English pub. I had a gin and tonic in the dream, and a woman that I knew gave me the money to pay for it. After that I sat down to talk to some local business people. Its funny how dreams manifest, as after that dream a woman gave me a bottle of gin as a gift. I also noticed this week that there has been an increase in the uptake of gin again, its good for cleansing the blood stream. A nice long drink, if you have it with tonic water, and Juniper is mentioned in biblical prophecy. 

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