
Monday 14 December 2015

Privatisation of Social Healthcare

Its some time ago now since I had the dream of the babies trying to jump off of the wooden sideboard, and this mother of life came to help the babies that were still in their nappies.

The dark figure standing behind those babies was making those babies afraid, and that is why they were trying to get away. Now there is news that there is a huge rise in the number of babies going into care.

However, the BBC article doesn't say how many of those babies are immigrant babies. Does the high rise of babies being taken away, coincide with the huge increase in immigration? Surely, it does!

How many health visitors do we have these days, more or less? If there was more investment in nursing, and those nurses were trained as health visitors, those health visitors could engage with the mothers and their babies while they are on the maternity ward.

Oh yea, don't remind me, many of those mums now leave hospital after a day or two. How healthy is that? Mums sent home, not enough beds hey David Cameron, are the Conservatives still closing maternity hospitals? Yea, of course they are. Cameron and his privatisation of the NHS and social health care.

Cameron plans to spent £100M on developing high-calibre academics, social workers, that's his solution. Goodness gracious me, social working hasn't solved any of the social engineering realities, that those babies are the outcome of. What makes him think that what he does will solve it, when Islam is clearly involved in it? Does he honestly think that Islamic academics can stop immigrant babies going into care? He still doesn't get it does he?

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