
Monday 14 December 2015

Louisa Johnson Won

On the 28th November I received a message when I woke up, 'They will be lovers', and afterwards I was taken into a supermarket and I saw a woman in a black and white dress.

I knew the woman in the supermarket, and as I went to lift up my right arm to wave at her, my arm wouldn't move. After that there was the American 'Black Friday', shopping spree that the Brits didn't support. The fact that I had a dream about waving, also links in with the wave offering timeline.

Yesterday I saw Louisa Johnson wearing a stunning black and white dress on the X-Factor, and she sung the 'Power of Love', a great song that I have been compelled to post in recent months.

Louisa Johnson just 17 years old, the power of the singing voice.

"Therefore love truth and peace" Zech 8:19

News today is that Louisa won the final, congratulations, best wishes to her and her singing career.

We certainly do birth some winners, another great song, 'Forever Young'. The greater the love that you have become, the greater are the causes.


The Yoshofar love boat comes true for Louisa, her dream manifests, on this land of Joseph. Simon told the youngster that she wasn't human. Big smiles. The song 'Forever Young', as such amazing lyrics, a Bob Dylan song that is biblical in its words to those that have the eyes to see it and the ears to hear it. Did you comprehend it?

It includes the words of the heavenly Father, when recently I was thinking about a family in England, and he said, CHAZAK and it means 'Be Strong'. The song also mentions the hands and feet, may your hands be busy and your feet be swift. May you have a strong foundation when the winds of change come. The winds of change did come, and I did have a strong foundation, may all of our people have a foundation built upon the power of love.

Feet being swift is also about the Messenger, feet with wings to fly. Sometimes you have to get on that divine plane at a moments notice, so you have to be strong. May peace rest upon Louisa Johnson, and all that she does, and wherever she goes, a peaceful, love ambassador for the next generation of children of England.

Go forth child with the prophets song, as the heavenly Father said, to yours truly, 'You will record my songs and psalms'. Let the divine enfold you in its arms, for it is true, as the Son of Joseph used to say, the 'Sun shines on the righteous'.

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