
Tuesday 15 December 2015


PEGIDA is arising in Europe, and PEGIDA have my support. Nostradamus predicted that the timid deer would be with mastiffs - and I saw a vision of a Great Dane the other day, that confirms the timeline.

Afterwards there was news from the Danes, about their proposal to remove the wealth of the 'immigrants', as they don't see why they should pay for people unless they're poor. The very next day, Boris Johnson also came out in support of the Danes and their proposals in respect of migrants.

Prophecy is being fulfilled whether people like it or not. Interesting that the compassionate Princess Diana was born in the Chinese Year of the 'Metal Ox', and Mother Teresa that passed over the same week, was born in the Chinese Year of the 'Metal Dog'. 'Love truth and peace' Zech 8:19. The year ends with ARISE, and yesterday, two men picked me up. 2016 will be an eight year in my cycle, and the numeric of 2016, = 9. Completion and divine love in manifestation. Completion of truth does exist, the meaning of my name.

1 comment:

  1. Isaiah 60:22 The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.” It was done in the 90's, one became a thousand.
