
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Mark Steyn on Climate Science

Author, and journalist, Mark Steyn, a natural and eloquent speaker, his profile says that he went to school in England. Hence his accent. Mark is calling out the climate science people that are making decisions for everyone else about what could or should be done - and he questions the science and scientists upon what their truth is based. He does make some very relevant points - about the nature of politics and how some academics operate to 'stifle' debate and open discussion on the matter. 

I wonder what he thought about the recent flooding in the UK, and the fact, that it is mentioned in Isaiah 59, the prophetic floods, that impacted upon these Islands. A months rain in one go, can he explain it?  What does he say about the 4 year drought in California, can he explain it scientifically? Surely, there has been some change in the climate, as people are experiencing it, in their homelands.

Mark has also made it plain, how he feels about what is going on in Europe with Islam and he describes it as genocide. On that I can agree with him, I too was compelled to write about 'cultural genocide' during Christmas 2007. The written article was distributed in January 2008.

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