
Monday 21 December 2015

Lion of Judah -v- Carter Church

On the 27th December, 2009 I posted a message that I have been given to deliver and it included Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter is a church man so he should know what the NT says about the church.

'What business is it if mine to judge those outside of the church. Are you not to judge those inside? 1 Corinthians 5:12. 'For we know him who said, 'it is mine to avenge, I will repay, and again, the Lord will judge his people'. Hebrews 10:30 

The book of Daniel mentioned Michael that supported the mother of life, with my mission defending Israel, as Zion defends. Daniel 10:21 'but first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. (No one supports me against them except Michael, your prince. Daniel 12:1 about the end times, and how Michael protects his people. It describes the time of distress such as not happened from the beginning of the nations until then. But at that time your people - everyone whose name is found written in the book - will be delivered'. Daniel 12:1 

Michael born in South Africa, lived in the USA, he passed over in 2010, and all of his services had been cut off. They said that he had died three weeks prior to them finding him. He had called out for help many times and no one in America responded to his call. I asked church going Americans to give him some practical help, they were silent. I asked non-church going Americans to help him, they were silent.

I sent him what money I could to help him - when I had it to give, to pay for his energy bills. He was a very wealthy man, a veteran, a scholar, and a senior university lecturer during his lifetime. A man that couldn't access his wealth, to help himself, such a long story to do with Michael. His greatest wish was to give yours truly, everything that he didn't require. He had no requirement for great wealth, once he found the light of love beyond measure.

During his life on the planet, Michael always stood against the American Church - and what he called the 'state siders'. He vowed that if he went down, he would take them all with him. When he first came into my reality, he followed me wherever I went, he kept wisdom in his sight. Michael was a Leo the Lion, and he also stood against Obama as prophecy predicted that we would. The Lion laid with the lamb in 2008, in St Augustine, in Florida.

It made him happy, that I went to America to see him, and to see what could be done to help him. It was only afterwards, that it was shown to me that it was a biblical prophecy fulfilled, that I should go to America and then return home. Michael knew what he was doing, and why he was doing it, he did it all for love. He used to write to me and tell me, that I was like vitamins for his soul. He said that I was dauntless, and called me his moral compass.

Now there is news that the grandson of Jimmy Carter as passed over age 28. In the photographs shared by the Daily Mail, it includes his grandson with Jimmy in Turkey. We all know what Turkey has been involved in don't we? Nigel Farage shares with us that 'Turkey are Blackmailing the EU' to obtain membership of it.

It makes you wonder whether Jimmy Carter's grandson was on line in the community where Michael and I were together defending Israel. 

The 'Dead Sea Scrolls' predicted that the 'Furious Lion' would strike, he certainly did.

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