
Monday 21 December 2015

Australia Dream

I've had another dream and it seemed to go on forever. Towards the end of the dream I knew that it was a recurring dream. There was a fair haired Canadian in the dream, I was able to identify him due to his accent. It felt like I was at an event in Australia. It all seemed to be going on inside a building, as in a 'hostage' type situation. I was 'bored' in the dream, and wished for the dream to end - and for everyone to be free.

When I woke, my body was aching all over. Back, shoulders, between the shoulders. In dire knead of an aromatherapy and deep tissue massage. Feels like I have to be carried. Feels like the 'bruising' and tension in the body is coming to the fore from what happened on the bus last week. When I was on the bus I had to be picked up, because I couldn't move. Now what happened to the bodies energy is coming to the surface. The 'shock' to the body is in the tissues of my body, the body 'traumatised' again. So a hot bath is called for - just for starters.

Harvest time is when the time is ripe, and the Jewish sages describe the elders as being ripened fruit. As in fruit when all can enjoy. Enjoying the fruit of life experience, what on earth did they do with the fruit. What has humanity done with the fruit it was blessed with?

What's on my menu? Dried fruit, grapes, berries, seeds, and nuts, I shall also have some fennel seeds to 'relieve the pain' the body is experiencing. Yesterday, I could smell vinegar after a European helped in the social networks, prior to that I could smell aniseed when looking at a colleagues website.

Read today, that Jimmy Carter's grand son as passed over at age 28 at PEACH TREE. In the Tao, the peach tree of life, only comes once every 3,500 years. What ripened fruit have they been eating in Canada, Australia and America?


The other news, apparently a whole family of Canadians have been 'injured' in Las Vegas. News is still coming in about a 'rogue' driver. A woman who had a child in her car, as gone into people on the 'sidewalk'. In this video the officer is questioned on whether there was anyone else in the car with her, and the Daily Mail have pics of the scene. The first police officer looks just like the man that I saw in the dream.

In another news report, it states that the woman that has been charged was previously living in Vancouver. Canada, and she had only recently moved to the area a couple of months ago. The name of the woman given by the media via the police, is Lakeisia N. Holloway.

Now the name, Lakeisha. LAKE ISHA and Isha (Judd) is the name of an Australian author in Melbourne. Isha is also the name of the Islamic night time prayer.

Las Vegas reminds me of the Alitalia message, some of us were talking about Las Vegas this week on-line.

Lots of people involved in what has happened. Some say that countries don't take sides, they have 'opinions', wisdom responds that 'opinions' can lead to 'dead ends'.

Some say that 'pain in the legs' like the grand son of Jimmy Carter was experiencing is an indication of a 'heart condition'. However, that is not always the case. It has been proven that the body can hold onto 'trauma' embedded into the tissues. Scientifically we also know that 'stress' and 'trauma' changes DNA.

So it can depend on what sports the young man was involved in, it can also depend on what 'accidents' he was involved in during his lifetime. Many different health causes can be the reason, it simply isn't as cut and dried as most people would like it to be. In the pics of Jeremy Carter, he doesn't look very healthy does he? Makes you wonder about his diet, lifestyle, and exercise was like. In the Daily Mail photographs it includes a photograph of Carter and Jeremy in Turkey.

As we know Carter stood against Israel for most of his life, as I have written before, when people stand against Israel they also stand against yours truly - and that which gives life, for salvation was granted to Zion - the mother of life.

The LORD chose to give his splendour to Israel. Some called the splendour glory.

Jimmy Carter is a church man - so he should know what the NT says about the church. 

'What business is it of mine to judge those outside of the church. Are you not to judge those inside?'. 1 Corinthians 5:12. 'For we know him who said, "it is mine to avenge; I will repay, and again, the Lord will judge his people". Hebrews 10:30. 


  1. The eerie $50million ghost ship: Super yacht owned by Vladimir Putin's former media strongman who was found dead in a Washington hotel room floats abandoned in a muddy Brisbane river
    Superyacht belonging to Putin's former press secretary found deserted
    Mikhail Lesin, 57, was found dead in a modest Washington hotel room
    His yacht is understood to have been undergoing a refit in Brisbane
    The 55m long Serenity is thought to be worth more than $AUD50 million
    Boat's stateroom has a ceiling painted with celestial clouds

    Read more:
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  2. The Telegraph have reported that a freight train in Queensland, Australia, as 'derailed' and it was carrying a huge amount of 'Surpheric acid'.
