
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Spending Time - Investing It!

The other evening my son gave me a cookie and the message with the cookie was 'Don't just spend time, invest it'. I thought that was a brilliant saying and is certainly in harmony with the teachings of the sages, including Jesus and the Jewish prophets.

Science has discovered and confirmed that the natural state of being is altruistic. So if a person is truly aligned with themselves, then they are compelled by the altruistic love within  - to be compassionate and merciful in their actions. It is divine conduct.

So then how healthy is your investment in time being altruistic, compassionate and merciful to self?

There are times in your life - when you have to invest in you, your well-being - because you have no choice in the matter. And when you spend time investing in the self, new realities come to be naturally - as you become ready for the next new phase of your life.

People can live different lifetimes in one, different careers in one lifetime, the more flexible and free flowing people are - the easier it is to manifest what is naturally yours - when you come from the heart of love. What is important is that people know where they are coming from - because then - they know where they are going.

Really a great cookie - and Jesus does like a return on his investment, your natural talents and your spiritual gifts.

So every day, ask yourself, how I am going to invest my time today, and what will I do to invest in myself? Its especially important for people that have spent their lives investing in others - and spending a lot of time on them. There has to be room and time for you - to ensure that there is a balance in your life. Ideally people would take a year off work, every seventh year.

However, that isn't always possible due to family or relationship commitments, and as such, we have to self-nurture - particularly in this timeline - when humanity is going through such a vast spiritual transformation. The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes, and sometimes you have to be your cause. For your own peace and well-being, there is no greater time to invest in you - than now!

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