
Wednesday 9 September 2015

House of Aaron

This song reminds us of the message 'Yoshofar'.

'Oseh Shalom'. 

And Psalm 115 speaks of the 'House of Aaron'. 

It is appropriate for this timeline. 

Jeff Benner wrote a Hebrew Lexicon and he has done some videos to explain the blessing. He explains how in Greek blessings are words, and from a Hebrew perspective - blessings are actions. 

He also explains that you have to be in the right character to manifest, that really means a character of purity, as the Son of God manifested the power of miracles when people called upon him. He cites the verse 'Whatever you ask in my character, I will do it'. John 14:13.

You have to be in the correct character as I can assure you that it is about the spiritual law and being aligned with its purity - that can impact upon the physics of a person in the most wonderful ways - when you walk on the way of holiness with the lightness of feet, hands and heart.

Hence it is written, 'Jesus replied, "Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them". John 14:23. Its no coincidence that I was taken away from the city of London - to make our home in the countryside. 

The spiritual law is important, the greater the purity that you are, the greater the purity you manifest when you are aligned with it. When you are aligned with it, it is working for you - for your best interests. Hence the saying, 'Reap what you sow', is to do with the spiritual law. 

In this video Jeff explains the 'Hedge of Protection'. 

During the Rev 12 timeline, Mother Mary spoke of me being 'a rose amongst thorns' and Jeff explains the 'thorns' from a Hebrew perspective as being about the 'Hedge of Protection', so you can comprehend the 'thorns' as a 'hedge of protection' around you in the heavenly realms. As it was Mary that delivered that message. 

Most of the words in Hebrew are from a nomad agricultural perspective, a farming reality where many actions take place. Just as you see hedges around a farm, to set the boundaries in place, so to it exists in the heavenly realms. As above, so below. 

In this video Jeff speaks of 'Glory' and explains that it really means 'Armour of God'. So for instance when an Israeli saw a photograph of the action that happened in Jerusalem in September 2007. After the delivery of the everlasting covenant for the children, (the gift) on the day of the 'divine child', she responded, 'Glory'. Tomorrow will be its anniversary and Ha'Shem asked us to always honour it - and so we shall tomorrow. 

To keep - to guide = directions to go in. 

Just as the wondrous woman from heaven was taken away, in the above video Jeff explains the wilderness. Why it was important, to be taken away from the hustle and bustle of city life, and taken out into nature because the environment is in perfect order. As we know Jesus often went into nature alone. It illuminates to bring enlightenment from a Hebrew perspective. 

Graciousness = the graciousness of a deer to walk on the heights. Just like a deer can leap, you can make leaps in consciousness. If you are in harmony with the spiritual law that can be seen all around you in nature. As it is written in the gospel of peace, teachings of the elect, 'nature is the holy scroll' and scientist Dr Bruce Lipton discovered that it is a combination of nature, nurture and environment that impacts on the people and their biology. 

The word 'seem' can relate to the action, 'to put something in its place', 'to firmly set something in its place'. 'To restore, restoration, to recompense'. Everything brought back to wholeness and completion. For those involved in the Rev 12 timeline, it was to fulfil the prophecy and bring that prophecy to completion. 

When Jesus was teaching he was helping to purify his students, so that they would be pure of heart. In this way he knew that they would manifest for all the right reasons and so they did. He helped them manifest - when they lived in his character of purity and holiness. That is the character of the Father. 

This is very important because the greater the purity of intention, the greater the impact that the healers have upon humanity; because then the spiritual law is working for you to help you, due to your alignment with it. Hence the saying, 'reap what you sow' is about the spiritual law that impacts on physics and biology. 

So for example, the people that were most aligned with what was shared, the people that integrated the teachings prospered the most in the healing work. The manifestation of miracle workers. Patience was required, patience beyond measure because things don't always arrive the way that you might think that they will. For it has to be aligned with your reason for being, and your soul's journey that is all part of the divine plan. 

People were taken in different directions for different reasons, to manifest what had to be manifested. So for instance, when I sent my students out into nature, I asked them to go in different directions from each other, and to return when they had received a message to convey to share with the group. 

It was all part of their training, to sit or stand in aloneness in nature, to be open to receive, and then return to my peace in quietness of their peace. Each taking their turn to share what had been revealed to them individually.

'Enlightenment springs from the well of peace' from Sacred Words - the blessing of the words were given as an example of what manifests from the action of manifesting peace for yourselves and for others. For as Jesus helped his followers to become pure and holy, so did those that he trained to live divinely. 

Another day we did space clearing in nature, and I was showing people how to clear the space divinely, in a field, ( where a plane had gone down in WW2) so that they could then do that themselves in other realities - and show others how to do it. And so it was that in his character, we took action and did what had to be done - and in so doing - we blessed the field.

Just as the waters were blessed - it was the wisdom in the compassionate action that really counted - in pure intention of harmonic epiphany. Being divinely guided on where to do it and when - the divine directions and instructions were received and given.

"Whatever you ask in my character, I will do it" John 14:13.

So then when charities or charitable people asked for my help in his character, I did it, as his character is charitable, merciful and compassionate action is a gift in itself. So it was, wisdom was given to help some of the charities - to manifest what had to be manifested.

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