
Monday 31 August 2015

Velvet Throne

Interesting that Donovan sang a song called 'Sunshine Superman' and in the song he sings of the 'Velvet throne'. Did you wear velvet during your life? I remember I had velvet trousers, and I have velvet skirts and tops with velvet on them.

The bridesmaids also wore blue velvet to keep them warm at the spring wedding.

When I was teaching Reiki healing, I had a velvet throw that I sat on, and it was put upon the massage couch for people to lay on when we were healing together. After mum passed over, I inherited a velvet coat. I do like the touch of velvet very much, I like the feeling of the warmth that it gives you.

'My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait in hope for my arm'. Isaiah 51:5. When scripture speaks on being on the way, it means being on the way of holiness. Sometimes, Prophet Isaiah referred to it as the highway of holiness and today, we have been writing about a multi-disciplinary approach, to holistic health.

Health and healing as to be viewed in many different ways, and various disciplines are given to help people depending on where they are on their spiritual journey, and what health conditions they are experiencing. Many health conditions are complex, and require a higher view of what is going on, a divine view of the conditions on an energetic level that people find themselves in. It often requires a lifestyle change, it usually requires a change in diet, plus there are many other aspects that impact on the health of a person and that includes past lives and karmic situations.

We discovered that 15% of health conditions are karmic, we also discovered that 85% of health conditions are co-created due to 'stress and trauma', and that is now proven scientifically, that 'stress and trauma' changes DNA. Some of the 85% of health conditions are are self-created, and some are not. So for instance in the case of Lazarus it was due to what had been done to him, rather than what he had done himself.

It was due to his light of truth and integrity that others 'attacked' him. Its the same in the parable of when the son was sent and he was beaten, then the next son was sent and he was killed, then the next son was sent and he was stoned. It was due to what others did to those three men. However, think about what happens to a child when it is born, in my own case, that is when the 'trauma' began.

When the doctor cut my cord too short, and I then screamed for ten days with an hernia. The baby must have been in immense pain and suffering, due to its first experience outside of the womb. That wasn't such a happy welcome for the bundle of joy was it? I've been looking at the north node of a different soul, and that soul also had an experience during the birth process, and they have difficult family karma.

This we were sharing with humanity decades ago. However, if people have invested in themselves with healing therapies, they can retain perfect peace, while healing what comes forth due to change in your bodily systems due to hormones, menopause or due to ageing. Remember the parable of the Virgins some have it - and some don't in this timeline.

Interesting that I am wearing a velvet towel today in deep rose pink, symbolic of love. Now it is time to cook something to eat. Something healthy and nutritious. Some fish, new potatoes and salad. Looking after the self, self-nurturing is imperative in life, and not only for the healing of self, but also for your physical fitness.

Most of the time in my life I've put my utmost attention to self-nurturing, eating well and the correct foods, and imparted the importance of that to others. As it is mentioned in the proverbs the noble woman of character got up in the night to feed her family and servants. So who were those that worked for her? Carers of the child while she went out to work, the single parent mum, that had to work to put a roof over her head and that of her child and his carers.

It wasn't possible to do everything financially, as I didn't have a partner that supported me financially. So I had to do what was most productive with my skills and talents, and as it is written in scripture Jesus does like a return on his investment in you.

He certainly got a return on his investment in me, and many were helped along the way. Whether it was giving young people jobs, whether it was helping youngsters with their school work, giving people references or helping to raise money for charities. Whether it was helping college students with their career direction, or in health and healing, and helping one to become a thousand healers.

Whether it was in being an instrument for miracles, all was done with a purity of heart and intention and it is written that David was given integrity of heart. So whatever I did in the life, wherever I went, or was sent, my integrity of heart went with me.

And an update from Robert Wilkinson that includes mention of the divine mother energies.

Some followed a Sacredstar and found what they were looking for, some found the baby that they were searching for, some found much more. Even the night has its light, the night lights, and stars that light up the heavens, there are many different suns, just as there are many members. So what do you remember about the journey, what brought you back to me?

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