
Monday 31 August 2015

Bears and Tiger Dream

Last night in the dream there were two brown bears - one bear was in the river and the baby bear was the other side of the road. A man was helping the bear in the river to get out of the river, so that it could get across the road to the baby bear.

Then when it did get to the other side of the road, and was with the little bear, a tiger jumped on its back. I was concerned about what I could see happening and asked the man what the tiger was doing, the man responded, that 'the tiger is killing it'. Then I woke up in a hot sweat.

In dream interpretation to dream of a bear being killed, can suggest 'victory over hostile opposition'. If you see wild animals in a dream it pertains to business, and and if the animals 'attacked' each other it means that there will be reverses in business. Previously, America was given the theme tune 'Eye of the Tiger', so I view this dream as being to do with the USA.

Reverses in business can also relate to what is going on planetary wise with Venus Retrograde. It indicates that there will be more 'hostile takeovers' in North America, that will bring more reverses for the USA. Due to the decisions that were made, it relates to the choices that were made.

The most prominent factor of the dream was one wild animal 'attacking' the other wild animal and there is nothing more wild than the the wild west of America; who are well known for their 'hostility' against other nations and themselves. Research showed that 70% of Americans have been 'bullied' in the workplace, and or home during their lives. That is a very large percentage of the population, especially when we know scientifically that 'stress' and 'trauma' changes DNA.

In the biblical prophecies it also mentions the bears and how they will growl like bears, and moan mournfully like doves. How they will look for justice, but find none, for deliverance is far away from the USA. Isaiah 59:11. Also interesting that in Rev 13, the man as feet like a bear. The man that spoke like a lion e.g. Obama.

America is in financial reversal until at least 2016-2017, and that was shared with Americans over a decade ago. They had plenty of advance warnings.

What else has happened?

A Norwegian-Russian concert pianist as died in Manchester. Natalia Strelchenko. A 38 year old mother.

One might ask what was she doing in Manchester, of all places. 

1 comment:

  1. A flood in a zoo in Russia's far eastern city of Ussuriysk has left 14 brown bears waiting for rescue in their half-submerged cages.

    The deluge was caused by a local river bursting its banks following heavy rainfall.
