
Tuesday 11 August 2015

Power of Laughter

The Son of Joseph loved this song and he sung it often. Mum and Dad used to say, 'Smile, and the world smiles with you'. However, they also used to call me 'Smiler' and I was always smiling when I came into their life. And so it is written, teach a child the right way to go, and they will always remember it. 

I think that a South African friend that lived in North America, lived as long as he did, because he had the ability to laugh at life, and Michael was not only an anthropology scholar, university lecturer, and a soldier. He was a strong union man, that defended this woman with great love in his heart. 

Laughter is wonderful energy, and children prove it to be true; as it is so healthy for them. 

In the book of Genesis, Sarah was happy when she said, 'God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me'. 'He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy'. Job 8:21. 'Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said, among the nations. 'The LORD has done great things for them". 

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