
Wednesday 12 August 2015

Four Shuah

After looking at a dream that a person had on-line mentioning seeing a 'headless man', I then looked at the news. The BBC provided a report on a Croatian man, Tomislav Salopek, that has been abducted in Egypt while he has been working for the French geoscience company CGG.

CGG is a French-based geophysical services company founded in 1931, and they're into services for the oil and gas industry.

After I shared that information Ha'Shem spoke and he said 'Four Shuah'. What does "Four Shuah' mean?

"There are four different Hebrew names that transliterated into English form the name Shuah, or variations thereof depending on the translation. The name Shoa is written the same as one of the Shuahs but pronounced slightly different."

It is written that the first Shuah is the son of Abraham, and then there was the Shuhite one of the four friends of Job. A feminine variation of this name occurs in 1 Chronicles 4:11. A completely different name occurs in Genesis pronounced 'shua', where it is the name of the father of a wife of Judah.

What else is happening? 2,000 migrants are locked into a stadium on KOS Island in Greece. We warned the people that the Islands are not a safe place in this timeline, due to the Isaiah prophecies about the Islands.

Hosea 11:9-11 mentions how 'they will follow the LORD, he will roar like a lion. When he roars they will come trembling from the West. They will come from Egypt trembling like sparrows, from Assyria fluttering like doves. I will settle them in their homes says the LORD'.

It was in the 1980's that Egyptian people came into my life after my son was born. We served each other and cooked for each other. When the Egyptians came I welcomed them into my home, and they said, that when that happens and you give food to an Egyptian you become family, a friend for life.

That is the true way of the Egyptian people, that is their true heart, that was my experience when they came to the UK. Food is very important to the Egyptian people, and the memories of Melchizedek giving the bread and the wine to Abraham, combined with the fact that Joseph was sent to help them in ancient times; due to food shortages that was predicted, is a powerful spiritual inheritance for the Egyptian people, that they can never forget due to the sheer power of its positivity for their country on the African continent.

They came after the Egyptian Arafat and his men decimated the Christians in Southern Lebanon, in my humble experience that is when the last days of the end times began in 1975.

In my experience Egyptian women also embrace Jesus, and an Egyptian woman spoke to me about the Son of Egypt, as it is written that he spent much time there and was called out of Egypt. The Egyptians also knew that they blessed - when yours truly asked for the Egyptians to arrange my flight to Egypt in the 90's. So this relationship with the Egyptian people has continued throughout the generations.

In Isaiah 60 it predicted that the 'children of your oppressors will come to you' and that is an interesting prophecy when you look back over your life; and who was brought to you for help. Especially when you know that Americans were also brought to the UK for assistance and a helping hand.

Jeff Benner has provided a lovely article that mentions Abraham and you can view it in terms of Isaiah 60. He wrote that Abraham obeyed my voice. and kept my charge, my commandments and laws.

You can also cross-reference that with YHWH's Priestly Blessing, and how it gives you the hedge of protection. You see you know when a man is of God, because he protects the woman. He defends the single-parent mothers, he defends the mothers and their children. And so it was that Abraham brought another woman to me, and he asked me to take care of her. On that day when he introduced us to each other, he spoke of us being his sisters. There is a great Jewish proverb that 'Love covers all transgressions' Proverbs 10:12.

Another man was sent from the African continent, this time a white South African, that was living in America. His name was Michael, and he also gave yours truly the hedge of protection during the Micah 4 timeline, when I was sent to North America. However, Jesus also spoke to me while I was on the land.

YHWH will kneel before you presenting gifts and will guard you with a hedge of protection.

YHWH will cause his wholeness of being to shine toward you bringing order, and he will provide you with love, sustenance and friendship.

YHWH will lift up his wholeness and look upon you, and he will set in place all you need to be whole and complete.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that last night I bumped into some children that are now adults and all working. It was divine providence that we were in the same location at the same time.
