
Friday 28 August 2015

Jamycheal Mitchell RIP

What would you do to a man that took your fruit and flowers from your stalls? I remember there was a white tramp that used to take fruit and flowers from the stalls, he ate what food he took and he gave the flowers to my mother.

His name was Rosie, and he was well known in Soho and theatre land, as he was the only camp tramp that we knew about. So we all laughed with him and what he did. When he passed over, Soho and theatre land gave him the most incredible funeral, he was part of the community and he was loved. Even though he chose to live the way that he did.

My mother, Lily used to make a fuss of Rosie, and he loved to be with her, his giving of the flowers was his way of showing that he loved her. You know, just like a child takes some daffodils on the way home from school, and then gives them to his mum.

Mum asks her child, where did you get those from? The child responds in honesty that he got them from the garden. If the people knew the joy that had brought to that child's heart would it make a difference? Would it matter to them that they enabled the child to give flowers to its mother? Would that bring joy to their hearts?

Lily used to say that Rosie was the cleanest tramp in London, because she knew that he bathed regularly in the local public baths. So cleanliness was clearly important to him, and mattered to him. I think he got the name Rosie because he had big rosie cheeks.

So why am I posting this, a song and a psalm? Another young African-American has died in jail, and this time he was arrested for taking sweets etc to the value of $5. In England, when I was growing up, a child would've received a caution if it had been found to do such a thing. If it repeated it, then it might have received some community service. Everything possible would be done to stop the child being imprisoned for such an act. 

What has humanity done in America? Where was the love, mercy and compassion for the young 24 year old? Where was the love for Jamycheal Mitchell who was held in a jail in Virginia for four months prior to his death in custody? 

May he rest in peace and his family be comforted  - for God knows that America has to change. 


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