
Friday 28 August 2015

Eye Mask Visions

While I was in the bathroom, the light was off, and an eye mask appeared before me twice in front of me on the right. I immediately thought of a person that has such a mask in their avatar pic. It is written that a use of such a mask could be found in the annual Jewish Purim festivities.

In spiritual symbology such a mask can be symbolic of protection, and in this case protection of the eyes. Hence, the development of the eye mask in beauty. One could view glasses in the same way, as protection for the eyes.

This was an interesting video an eye mask treatment.

In 2016, Purim will be on the 23-24th March.

So that could be a timing link.

2016 will also be a 9 year of divine love and completion.

An eye mask like the one that appeared before me this night,
reminds me of parties.

The 23rd of March was also a birthday in the life of the Son of Joseph.

Amazing that he was born on that date, divine providence indeed.

Mum was into beauty treatments and did everything she could to take good care of her skin, and she used vitamin E for her eyes.

Health food wise, Apricots are good for eyes due to the amount of Vitamin E they have, plums are also good for eyes. I haven't been into beauty treatments, a moisturiser and that's about it. Although I do enjoy putting the coconut oil on my skin and it tastes delicious. I also use lavender oil sometimes on my head with the coconut oil.

When I became a recluse, I stopped wearing make-up, and that has been excellent for my eyes and skin on a deeper health level; due to what cosmetics contain. As my mother grew older, she wore less and less make-up on a daily basis. Although she was so beautiful when she was young, with big brown eyes, she didn't require any make-up. The lily was naturally beautiful and the Son of Joseph adored her. 

1 comment:

  1. London Carnival celebrate the 50th anniversary covered in feathers.
