
Monday 6 July 2015

Sports Reduction UK

The other weekend I asked teachers about the school activities, e.g music, art and sports. They responded that progress was being made. However, in the news today at the BBC website the fact is that there as been a reduction in children doing sport since 2009. That's not a good sign is it? That Olympics cost a lot London didn't it?

As I said they don't have the solutions to that which ails humanity, and no Aga Khan 'institutions' or cosmopolitan 'Fatima Empire', can change that. All the solutions are spiritual solutions and only the spiritual hold the solutions in their hearts and hands - for we have been divinely led on what is appropriate in this timeline.

The Aga Khan likes to think he is a spiritual leader. Perhaps its time to define what a spiritual leader is. One thing is for sure, that spiritual leaders don't have huge personal wealth like the Aga Khan and other Islamic leaders do. Nor do they have wealth like the America mega churches. Real spiritual people that truly followed Jesus have nothing in comparison, in the nothingness there is everything that we require.

Remember this that Jesus sent his healers out two at a time, and asked them to find a person that was worthy of them. That is how Jesus funded his healers to give to the poor, that is how he funded his spiritual community and the oils that were placed upon him.

Jesus lived in a spiritual community with the healers that he trained to become healers and spiritual teachers, so that they could have eternal life. True spiritual leaders show the people how to sow to the Spirit in preference to sowing to the flesh. For as you sow - so shall you reap. If you sow to the Spirit - you reap from the Spirit is clearly obvious and experience counts!

'Blessed are the merciful for they shall see mercy'.

How merciful is Cameron's government? Little UK has the second largest military in NATO and the largest in Europe. Little UK can afford all of that - and £33 million a day after rebates being paid to the EU, yet we cannot afford to help and feed the poorest people in our nation? Cameron is planning to further cut the help that people receive at the same time as cancelling the poverty target.

They're also planning to increase rents for those in social housing that they consider to be what they call 'Middle Class'. If your family have an income of 30K before tax, they plan to put your rent up as they consider that you are middle class. Regardless of the fact, that family might have to go to the food bank due to the number of mouths to feed.

At the same time, they're planning to reduce inheritance tax that was originally introduced to tax the rich. Now it seems that there are a lot of people with homes worth a million and above - and they're putting pressure onto get the tax cut. Never mind -  the people that have had their pensions taken away from them, and being told that they have to work an extra ten years. Seriously - Cameron should be arrested for 'crimes against humanity'.

Maggie Thatcher was correct when she said, 'They'd like the poor to be - poorer'.

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