
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Church Revival - v- Spiritual Revival

I was reading what an American Christian had written and the LORD responded, 'Abattoir' and we all know what happens in a place like that - people are 'slaughtered' just like they are in the USA. I was also reading about some holistic doctors in the USA and what has happened to them in that country.

The USA has become an 'abattoir', were the people are being 'slaughtered'. However, there is also a different reality for those that sowed to the Spirit instead of sowing to the flesh.

When I checked the news, to see if there was anything about it, in New Zealand some deer managed to get away from the farm and its 'abattoir'.

A friend in the USA, Michael used to speak to me of the deer in his garden that he saw at night time, and how they reminded him of his friend Lotus Feet in the freedom to be that he defended in a vigorous and vigilant way.

Just as Jesus defended Magdalene - so did Michael defend the light of love that knew existed and he followed the light of this lamp - as much as he had the ability do so. He used to say that my love and its truth was like vitamins for his soul. The divine love that fed him to keep him alive - for as long as we could in the nation of 'slaughter' that the USA has become. Do you remember the case of the boy with the red hair?

The American Christian that wrote: 'We need revival in the church and the country as well'. 'We are to divided, we need to remember we are a people again'. 

Wisdom's response to the American Christian.

Jesus did not ask for a church in his name deer. So you cannot revive what Jesus doesn't support. As Jesus said in 2007, 'Christianity was never born, it is still in the womb'. Remember there was even division in the spiritual community of Jesus and it was all over a woman that was a healer, clairvoyant and clairaudient. An aromatherapist and reflexologist that was a talented healer - to the extent that it was a woman that worked on Jesus himself for healing purposes. That's hard for Christians to accept isn't it, that even Jesus required the healing oils.

There was the division from the companions of Jesus about what was happening to the oils that they had worked hard to pay for. As Jesus had sent them out two at a time to find a worthy person to fund his healers and give them money, clothes and everything that they required. To enable the healers to help the poor that couldn't afford to pay for the healing that they required. You know even the poor woman was willing to give Jesus her last two coins. Just as I had given my very last two coins to further his healing work that he ordained.

There has been a revival of the spiritual inheritance of Jesus and his spiritual community. However, it was not allowed to happen in the churches. As the churches sent his healers away - and as such, the healers dusted off their feet as Jesus had instructed.

Self-sustainable Greece

A friend said to me recently, 'You've done all the running for them, you can't do anymore than that'. Interesting that the prophecies predicted that the herald would run with a prophecy at the appointed time - and that happened in 2009. The prophecy told those that do not drink, to drink - and the criteria of the prophecy was about the oil rich nations that includes Muslims. The Aga Khan is rich isn't he, didn't he give an Arab horse to Elizabeth II?

Prophecy predicted that the rich get richer on the backs of the poor, just like Cameron and his ministers that are intent in cutting welfare while at the same time as giving £33 million to the EU every single day! Did you know that the UK has the second largest military spend in NATO, and the largest in Europe. This tiny little country that has to have food banks due to austerity measures. What's more important the military, the Eurozone, or the children and good food in their bellies?

The children are the backbone of any and every nation. The children are the future of humanity. Feed the children well and they are strong physically, feed their souls with divine love - and you feed their Spirits. Those children are fed in the womb - the Spirit is fed with divine love when the mother is in that space of activation and connection with the baby that she carries. How can a man truly comprehend the importance of that - unless he has carried a child?

Jesus the spiritual teacher that commanded respect for that which he had been sent to convey to those that had the ears to listen. However, how can you teach people that do not have respect for the truth that you are sent to deliver to help them? For how can you teach anyone anything, unless you have the utmost respect from those that you are sent to teach? Did they listen to what was being shared - even the followers of Jesus had to be rebuked sometimes by him. Love did not remain hidden!

For he was intent on perfecting their love and work in the perfection of his love beyond measure. Jesus was also corrected by a woman over the importance of the dogs - and the dogs are great healers and it is confirmed in the scriptures.

He was intent on making his healers  - powerful miracle workers that could work multi-dimensionally and with many different realities. He was intent on ensuring that they sowed to the Spirit - so that in the Spirit they could receive the divine guidance and counsel that is ordained for those that live truly in integrity.

Many students can be 'impatient' when they are being taught, I remember a young Indian that asked me to teach him what wisdom knows to be true. The Indian wasn't willing to take the baby steps and integrate ABC, he wished for this spiritual teacher to take him straight to Z. And you see many Indian teachers doing the same, teaching Z, prior to the people having integrated ABC. That is another reason why Jesus was so strong about making sure that your foundations of your house - is not built on sand.

Jesus an incredible and profound healer. A man and a great Spirit of few words. The words of the Son of God are so profound they can catapult you into a new reality - and to a different plane of existence.
A Spirit that is so grand - who is grand enough to see him and know him? He chose the one that had wisdom, humility and integrity to put upon his throne. Prophecy tells you that he chose the one that had been victorious and overcome.

He knew that I was a gentle lamb in his arms, with a soul like a flower - that could be crushed easily due to being an empath. Yet he chose to make me strong in ways that I could help humanity - and its spiritually elect. I was shown realities that I did not seek, I was given that which I did not ask for - he spoke of it in terms of being 'humble' and that I did not ask Spirit for anything for myself or for my son.

The Son of God knew that I had the qualities that he required, the patience and the perseverance. The trust in the divine, and the sheer depth of loyalty to that which is truly divine. He knew that I had the moral tenacity and integrity to walk with him - all the way home to the heavenly Father. Hand in hand- side by side together. He has always been close by me.

Those that call themselves Christians in the USA, have to appreciate the importance of the spiritual community for health and healing. The importance of the healing for health. What is happening to your holistic doctors and the reasons why! For those that stand against the holistic also stand against the Spirit of Christ. As Jesus was and is holistic in everything that he did and does.

Instead of exalting pastors in church, (in mega churches) the people should be exalting those that have done their utmost to help humanity, their health and healing. Those that have been helping humanity to make the breakthroughs. For the leaves are for healing the nations children, with love beyond measure.

I asked the American Christian what does it take to unite a community or a country? Look what it took the community of Jesus prior to them uniting in the name of their teacher. Have you noticed how some people unite when there is a passing? Why does it take a 'death' to unite people in their hearts? Why can the people not choose to unite in the life of their teacher - and for their teacher while they are still on the planet?

In healing people do unite once they get over themselves; although there are some that still have to be called out. As we know where they are coming from. Our moral tenacity and moral compass is in tact. We know where some people are coming from - and they shall not pass to influence those that are innocent with pure intention in their hearts. That is why Jesus made sure that this reality was 'unsurpassed' as he described it. Prophecy predicted that everyone will have a choice of a vine or a fig tree, to be protected by - and prophecy tells you that Joseph is a fruitful vine.

The same in the UK, look at the nation that wept over the passing of Princess Diana, look at the millions of flowers that they laid in the mall. Yet, do you see them crying over what has happened in their nation in the churches? What did I find in the UK church when I was sent to help a member of it? A man with 'prostate cancer'? I found a man on the stage teaching the congregation against the wondrous woman from heaven and the teachings of Archangel Michael that was delivered by yours truly during the Rev 12 timeline that ended in December 2008.

Do they know what they're talking about? I called them out as the LORD sent me to do. I told them to speak the truth for I am the Spirit of truth that stands before them in spiritual integrity. Prophecy predicted that only one in a thousand would be able to stand before Joseph in integrity.

Some sowed to the Spirit and some sowed to the flesh. So it was many in the Churches sowed to the flesh of the churches that they built. Do you see all of the people in the UK defending the people and their children? Do you see them defending the fatherless, the widows and their children in the way that they defended Diana that dripped in wealth? And what of the media and what they did to her Spirit, how many were held accountable for what they did to our merciful Queen of Hearts?

Diana was innocent and look what happened to her. Still having expensive Christenings aren't they? What did her sons learn? Did they learn that Jesus taught his followers to reclaim their innocence and that is why he told his followers to become like little children to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus taught his companions and followers to put the effort into healing and self-development, as did all of those known as Essenes. Yes, I was ordained as an Essenic Minister, and I require no church walls due to the vine of Joseph climbing over ever wall that was put in my way.  It had a reason and spiritual purpose for being righteously.

And so the spiritual inheritance continued - with those that chose to impart it - to those that were ready to receive it - and were willing to hear it.

Is Greece in alignement with the planets? You decide, Capricorn in Cancer indicate's that its all about the home, and the Greeks are defending their home, their culture and land of being. Planetary configurations indicate that this defending of the home will continue until 2024 - and that is an interesting numeric. 8 the numeric of spiritual transformation - the symbol of infinity.

Wisdom with insight also gave predictions of what would happen leading up to 2025 during the 90's and beyond. So what does the American orthodox Christian choose? Do you choose the 'abattoir' or do you choose to be like the deer that fled from the 'abattoir' in New Zealand?

For surely, - that is what the LORD God is showing us. The differences between the two different realities, for there are some that do their utmost to 'slaughter' the deer in many different ways.

See some Americans have already gained their freedom, some got away from the farm that was 'slaughtering' the deer! This healer has been doing some great healing work in Greece, it was an honour to meet him and to share a little time together. The time that we were given is precious in my heart - as it was divine providence that we should meet. We sowed to the Spirit together - for the blessing of the Greek people.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26 They knew that a woman would come. As the prophecies in Rev 12 and Micah 4 predicted it. There are so many texts where she is mentioned that the criteria of her life is hugely portrayed in the prophecies. Even the colour of the bed covering that was made by hand, every stitch, is described in the texts. 

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