
Saturday 18 July 2015

Smirnoff Christian -v- Perfected Love

I did wonder who approved this TV commercial and where they were coming from when they did so. The commercial is reviewed by an English Christian and his interpretation of it in this video, so let us correct the English Christian on the different realities that are included in it.

During my time working in London ad agencies I worked on many different clients accounts and they included gin, vodka, rum, larger and beer as well as some soft drinks like tonic water.

For the record, I have never been a vodka drinker - and vodka always reminds me of Russia - as vodka is historically a Russian drink. My husband was also a beer drinker, he liked lager and real ales.

So let us see what the English Christian is saying about this TV commercial. He mentions the colour that they are wearing, and describes it as being symbolic of 'nakedness' and 'flesh', is that correct?

If the Christian had studied the creation fresco in the Vatican, he would be aware that in the creation fresco painted by Micheangelo, he was inspired to paint the Creator God dressed in the colour pink. The pastel pink is featured in the creation fresco. So in the commercial the colour that the couple are wearing is symbolic of the fact that the couple had been sent by God.

The Christian says that the figure 8 is on her shoes, and describes what he thinks it means. Well, I say to you that is the symbol of infinity on her shoes - and it relates to a doorway. She has that symbol on her left ballet type shoe and right ballet type shoe, on both feet, she has the infinity symbol. Due to the nature of the shoes that she is wearing also indicates that she likes dancing.

It was fashionable in the 70's and 80's to wear such shoes. Again, we see them in the shoe shops in this decade. Everything that the couple is wearing matches, and that is symbolic of perfection, and their perfect love for each other.

Behind them in the elevator is a man that is watching the couple, a single man wearing a box hat. The colour is blue that is also symbolic of mystical healing. A colour worn by the holy mother.

The infinity symbol can be viewed as the figure eight, and in numerics the figure of eight was included in ice skating. It is also the numeric of spiritual transformation. The numeric of eight is often associated with the name of Jesus. 888. The symbol of infinity is on her shoes - as such, it indicates that in that couple, she is the one that was given the blessing of spiritual transformation in the power of love and it was placed upon her feet. That in itself indicates that her feet are important to the journey and the pre-destination that is ordained for her.

Where that journey would take her with her partner - what they had come to see and what was ordained for to see with him that went with her to that location underground. In the commercial we see a David Bowie look alike - and that is symbolic of a timeline. Drink is then poured out, and it is a well known fact that DB was 'bi-sexual'. So the connection between vodka and 'bi-sexuality' is being made in this commercial. Although the couple are straight in their sexual orientation - as they only had eyes for each other.

The couple saw what they had to see when they went down into the elevator in the room - where all sorts of people were having dinner and drinks. They returned back up in the elevator - so then another couple arrives dressed in the same way to find out what's all about.

Now the Christian in this video claims that Jesus saved humanity from the 'curse' in ancient times? Is that true? We know from scriptures that Jesus liked to drink, and we also know that drinking meant that he did not wish to be king over anyone. Another reason why in the scriptures there is a prophecy telling people in oil rich nations to drink e.g Muslims.

The 'curse' in the scriptures relates to a man and his name, so I recommend that the Christian studies the scriptures fully prior to imparting them to others. Did Jesus eradicate anyone's name from his book of life? Didn't he say that everything would remain until everything had been fulfilled? There is no evidence that Jesus blotted out the name of anyone. For blotting out the names from the book life was not destined to happen until the last days of the end times. When the books that had been sealed were opened - by the person that was sent to open them.

The video maker makes a point about the red carpet and he associates it with the bloodline, I do not associate the red carpet with that, I associate it with celebrities that are always walking on it.

Interesting that there is a hotel in Park Lane, in Mayfair, that has a large ballroom for events underground, such as dinners, weddings etc. There are many venues like that all over the west end of London. However, the ad industry has been known to hold award ceremonies in Park Lane, in fact, my husband and I did attend an ad event in that location for an award ceremony.

Due to the fact, that his client, our work, with a creative team had won an international Gold Clio award. There is some history for you. The writer of that script also went on to become a very well-known author, and if I remember correctly, he passed over in 2014.

So what is the commercial telling you, that drink leads to 'bi-sexuality' due to who serves it to you?

What is the vodka manufacturer's agency and its creative team imparting to you - do you know?

Let me tell you this - that once you have found perfect love in your heart, nothing can ever take that pure love from your heart. The true couple of the man and woman in the story, are sown together in the Spirit of love.

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