
Saturday 18 July 2015

Divine Intervention Dream

Last night I had two Balleycastle Irish Creams to drink and I slept like a baby. The taste of it reminded me of Christmas, mum and dad. It also reminded me of tiramisu that I like very much. The drink has won an international award, it is affordable at £4 and great for cooking.

While I was sleeping I had a lovely dream of divine intervention.

I was working in a walk-in healing clinic - and two clients arrived at the same time. One client was asking for inversion therapy - and the other client was asking for divine counsel. Divine guidance, intercession, divine intervention in their life to help them to get their life back on track.

I couldn't be in two different rooms at the same time, so I asked the woman that required divine guidance to wait and allow the woman that required inversion therapy to go first. She agreed to wait until I could attend to her afterwards.

In the next cameo of the dream, I was at a counter, talking to a person behind the counter about the price to charge the woman who had inversion therapy. The chart was in numerics of ten, e.g ten minutes or twenty minutes etc. The woman was on the inversion table for 15 minutes - so we discussed charging less rather than more. Then the dream ended.

15 minute slots for inversion therapy would actually be quite good and the dream shows me that this would be ideal for people that have begun a series of treatments. Inversion therapy isn't a one off treatment, the physical body requires on-going help - until the client feels the difference it has made to the flexibility of their bodies. It isn't just for healthy backs either, as it gets the blood flowing in a different direction - and gives more blood flow and oxygen to the brain. As such, this therapy is ideal for many different health concerns.

It also indicates that I shall return to healing work - with helping people to heal the physical - and I shall also return to making divine intervention - for those that ask for it - and are willing to pay for it.

I once had a vision for a healing centre that was open to people that could afford to pay, so that others that couldn't afford to pay could receive freely. I discussed the possibility and vision due to an ideal property coming on the market. It had a great place for a number of healing rooms, it had car parking and it had a large purpose built hall for large groups, tuition, lectures and seminars.

Alas, it never went ahead because the person that I asked to raise the money from rich men, said they would like a return on investment.

I told her that this was not a financial investment to make rich men richer, this was an investment in people as a charitable cause. The greater the love that you are, the greater the causes that you are given. She never discussed the not-for-profit healing clinic again with me at that time, and so it did not come to be in that timeline.

My vision was that therapists received a salary from the clinic for a certain amount of part-time work - and that the walk-in clinic could have a selection of therapists engaged in different healing disciplines and modalities to help the people. There would be days and evenings for appointments for private clients - and days and evenings for walk-in clinic.

Good health and that which is associated with it - is indications for the dreamer.

Many people have asked me for divine guidance and divine intervention in recent years - and the dream indicates that their call for help will be answered in divine timing. The wondrous woman from heaven shall return to those that are calling for her specialist help - with their health and healing of different realities.

Once a miracle worker - always a miracle worker - and as Jesus said, the workers are few.

In the dream two women were seeking prosperity in healing their lives, and in so doing, they came to the gateway of prosperity where I am. The two women were brought to me and to my door.

In Psalm 122, it speaks of those that seek prosperity for the sake of the house of the LORD our God. What greater house is there - than a place where people can heal and receive divine intervention and its blessing in their lives?

I had some wonderful news yesterday, and the child that was brought for healing last month, is asking for his flower essences every night before bed. Teach the children the way to go when they are young, and they will always remember that which was heaven sent to help them.

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